Records and Information Management, Second Edition

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  • Description
  • Table of Contents
  • About the author
  • Reviews

This book is available in e-book format for libraries and individuals through aggregators and other distributors—ask your current vendor or contact us for more information. Examination copies are available for instructors who are interested in adopting this title for course use.

As Information Management put it, "On the strength of its currency and coverage alone, Franks' book is poised to take over as the recommended go-to reference for both students and RIM professionals for many years to come.” The new second edition cements this work’s status as an up-to-date classic, its content updated and expanded to address emerging technologies, most notably blockchain, and evolving standards and practices. Inside, Franks presents complete coverage of the records and information lifecycle model, encompassing paper, electronic (databases, office suites, email), and new media records (blogs, chat messages, and software as a service). Informed by an advisory board of experts in the field and with contributions by noted authorities, the text addresses such key topics as

  • the origins and development of records and information;
  • the discipline of information governance and developing a strategic records management plan;
  • creation/capture and classification;
  • retention strategies, inactive records management, archives, and long-term preservation;
  • access, storage, and retrieval;
  • electronic records and electronic records management systems;
  • the latest on rapidly evolving technologies such as web records, social media, and mobile devices;
  • vital records, disaster preparedness and recovery, and business continuity;
  • monitoring, auditing, and risk management; and
  • education and training.

This book’s authoritative blend of theory and practice makes it a matchless resource for everyone in the archives and records management field. Instructor/trainer extras include a set of ready-to-go, customizable PowerPoint slides to accompany the text.

Instructors adopting this textbook for a course may request companion PowerPoint slides and supplementary course materials by e-mailing

List of Illustrations

Chapter 1    The Origins and Development of Records and Information Management
Records and Recordkeeping in Society
Recordkeeping in the United States in the Twentieth Century
Information Technology, Records, and the Information Age
Web 2.0, Social Media, and Society
Perspective: Information Governance: We Are Finally Asking the Right Questions, by Barclay T. Blair

Chapter 2    Building an Information Governance Program on a Solid RIM Foundation
Information Governance
Records Management as a Professional Management Discipline
Records and Information Management Lifecycle
Records Management Program Elements, Functions, and Activities
Standards, Laws, Regulations, and the Legal Environment
Paradigm: The Information Governance Imperative in Healthcare, by Robert Smallwood

Chapter 3    Records and Information Creation and Capture, Classification, and File Plan Development
Records and Information Creation and Capture
Controlled Language and Records Classification
Business Classification Schemes
Indexing, Content Analysis, and File Plan Development
Records Management Metadata
Paradigm: University Records Management File Plans, by Peg Eusch

Chapter 4    Records Retention Strategies: Inventory, Appraisal, Retention, and Disposition
Records Inventory
Records Appraisal
Web Records: Identifying, Capturing, and Scheduling
Legal and Regulatory Compliance
Developing a Records Retention and Disposition Schedule
Paradigm: Leveraging a New Retention Schedule to Launch an Information Governance Program, by Susan Cisco

Chapter 5    Records and Information Access, Storage, and Retrieval
Business Process Mapping and Workflow Process
Access Controls
Active Storage Systems
Search and Retrieval Process
Metadata and Metadata Standards
Paradigm: Introduction of Continuous Improvement in Records Management Programs and Processes Using Lean Practices, by Charlene Cunniffe

Chapter 6    Electronic Records and Electronic Records Management Systems
Electronic Records
Enterprise Information Systems (EIS)
Content Management Systems
Enterprise Content Management Systems (ECMS)
Electronic Records Management
Electronic Records Management Systems (ERMS)
Electronic Records Management Systems Guidance
SharePoint and Records Management
Data and System Migration
Records Management in the Cloud
Planning and Managing an Electronic Records Management Program
Paradigm: The Art and Science of ERMS Deployment, by Morgan King and Stephen Aaronson

Chapter 7    Developing and Emerging Technologies and Records Management
Developing Technologies: Social Media
Social Media and Records Management
Diffusion of Innovation and Trend Spotting
Emerging Technologies
Paradigm: Blockchain Technology and Recordkeeping, by Victoria L. Lemieux

Chapter 8    Vital (Essential) Records, Disaster Preparedness and Recovery, and Business Continuity
Business Resumption Strategies
Vital Records Program
Disaster Preparedness and Recovery Planning
Business Continuity Planning
Paradigm: Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Utility Disruption, by Helen Nelson

Chapter 9    Monitoring, Auditing, and Risk Management
Monitoring the Management of Records
Auditing the Records Management Program
Risk Management
Paradigm: Identifying, Assessing, and Controlling Records and Information Management Risks: A Cross-Disciplinary Approach, by Lisa Daulby

Chapter 10    Information Economics, Privacy and Security
Information Economics (Infonomics)
Information Asset Privacy and Security
Paradigm: Integrating Information Governance into the Privacy and Security Landscape, by Ilona Koti

Chapter 11    Inactive Records Management: Records Centers and Archives
Inactive Records and Records Centers
Archives Management
Paradigm: Establishing the Jelly Belly Candy Company Archives: A Case Study of a Family-owned Candy Company’s History and Recordkeeping, by Lori Lindberg

Chapter 12    Long-Term Digital Preservation and Trusted Digital Repositories
Long-Term Digital Preservation
Digital Curation and Stewardship
Building a Trusted Digital Repository
Cloud Digital Preservation as a Service
Digital Preservation Research
Paradigm 1: Use Case—eArchive for Pharmaceutical Pre-Clinical Research Study Information, by Patricia Morris and Lori Ashley
Paradigm 2: Archivematica to ArchivesDirect: A Practical Solution for Limited Staff Resources, by Amber D’Ambrosio

Chapter 13    Life-Long Learning: Education, Training, and Professional Development
Preparation for Records Management Professionals
Records Management Training Programs
Paradigm: Graduate Archival Education—The Master of Archival Studies at the University of British Columbia, by Luciana Duranti

Chapter 14    From Records Management to Information Governance: An Evolution
Developing a Records Management Program
Implementing an Information Governance Strategy
Perspective: Perspectives on Information Governance and Managing Information Assets, by Diane K. Carlisle

  • Appendix: A Sampling of Records Management Laws and Regulations Outside of the United States
  • Glossary
  • Bibliography
  • About the Author and Contributors
  • Index

Patricia C. Franks

Patricia C. Franks, PhD, CA, CRM, IGP, CIGO, FAI, is a professor emerita at San José State University, where she teaches courses in enterprise content management and digital preservation. She is a past president of the National Association of Government Archivists and Records Administrators (NAGARA) and the Upstate New York Chapter of ARMA International. She is the sole editor of The Handbook of Archival Practice and co-editor of the Encyclopedia of Archival Science, the International Directory of National Archives, Teaching and Learning in Virtual Environments: Archives, Museums, and Libraries, and the Encyclopedia of Archival Writers, 1500–2015 (second edition to be released in 2026). She is a member of the CIGO Association Board of Directors and Preservica’s Digital Preservation Sustainability Council. Her research interests are related to emerging technology and its impact on records and information management. She is currently a member of the InterPARES Trust AI multinational interdisciplinary research project where she leads two teams exploring the application of AI in the archives and records management disciplines. Franks has written and spoken widely on topics of social media, cloud computing, blockchain technology, information governance, data governance, and artificial intelligence.

”Not a difficult read, even for this instruction and reference librarian. This reviewer highly recommends this book for college archival and record management classes."

”Ideally suited both as a textbook for students learning about records management and as a reference book for records and information management (RIM) professionals ... An extremely comprehensive and accessible text written by one of the leading thinkers and educators in the field."
— Archival Issues

Praise for the first edition:

"On the strength of its currency and coverage alone, Franks' book is poised to take over as the recommended go-to reference for both students and RIM professionals for many years to come ... an up-to-date, coherent, readable, and highly informative text that all RIM/ IG professionals should keep close at hand for ongoing reference."
— Information Management

"Does a fine job assembling a seminal text on core records administration topics ... I encourage anyone participating in the archives and records management field today or considering entering an Archives & Records Administration program to acquire this volume."
— Technicalities

"The handbook is well constructed and organized with a good balance of theory and practical examples … It is comprehensive and is easy to understand. This work is highly recommended to all those with an interest in recordkeeping and information management today."
— Australian Academic & Research Libraries

"Presents broadly the state of the profession of records management in its full breadth and depth, leaving no topic unaddressed … rich yet compact."
— Catholic Library World

"Provides enough general information for a student to determine if the RIM field is appealing. It also provides a set of examples illustrating key concepts that could be used by a professor teaching a class on this topic. Information professionals working outside this field will learn a great deal of useful jargon, gain an understanding of the planning and processes needed in an effective RIM program, and develop a long list of questions they will need to answer in order to develop a working RIM program at their own institution."
— Serials Review