Developing and Maintaining Practical Archives, Third Edition—eEditions PDF e-book

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  • Description
  • Table of Contents
  • About the author
  • Reviews

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Since its original publication Hunter's manual has been "not only a rich and ready reference tool but also a practical resource for solving problems" (Catholic Library World), and no text has served as a better overview of the field of archives. Newly revised and updated to more thoroughly address our increasingly digital world, including integration of digital records and audiovisual records into each chapter, it remains the clearest and most comprehensive guide to the discipline. Former editor of American Archivist, the journal of the Society of American Archivists (SAA), Hunter covers such keystone topics as

  • a history of archives, including the roles of historical societies and local history collections in libraries;
  • new sections on community archives, diversity, and inclusion;
  • conducting a survey and starting an archival program;
  • selection, appraisal, acquisition, accessioning, and deaccessioning;
  • important points of copyright, privacy, and ethics;
  • arrangement of archival collections, with a discussion of new theories;
  • description, including DACS, EAD, and tools such as ArchivesSpace;
  • access, reference, and outreach, with a look at how recent innovations in finding aids can help researchers;
  • preservation, including guidance on how to handle rare books, maps, architectural records, and artifacts;
  • digital records, addressing new and popular methods of storage and preservation of email, social media, image files, webpages, Word documents, spreadsheets, databases, and media files;
  • disaster planning, security, and theft prevention;
  • metrics, assessment, establishing employee procedures and policies, working with interns and volunteers, and other managerial duties;
  • public relations and marketing, from social media and the Web to advocacy; and
  • professional guidelines and codes, such as the newly developed SAA Statement of Core Values of Archivists.

Providing in-depth coverage of both theory and practice, this manual is essential for archivists at all levels of experience and of all backgrounds.


Chapter 1: Introduction to Archives and Manuscripts
Chapter 2: Surveys:  Identifying Records on all Media
Chapter 3: Starting an Archives in an Institution or Community
Chapter 4: Selection and Appraisal
Chapter 5: Acquisitions and Accessioning
Chapter 6: Arrangement
Chapter 7: Description
Chapter 8: Preservation
Chapter 9: Security and Disaster Planning
Chapter 10: Access, Reference, Outreach and Advocacy
Chapter 11: Leadership and Management
Chapter 12: The Archival Profession


Gregory S. Hunter

Dr. Gregory S. Hunter is a Professor in the Palmer School of Library and Information Science, Long Island University, where he directs the Certificate of Advanced Study in Archives and Records Management. He holds a Ph.D. and two master’s degrees from New York University and a bachelor’s degree from St. John’s University in New York. Dr. Hunter is both a Certified Archivist and a Certified Records Manager. He previously served as Manager of Corporate Records for ITT Corporation and Director of Archival Programs for the United Negro College Fund. From 2004-2009, Dr. Hunter served as Principal Archivist and Records Manager on a team headed by Lockheed Martin to build the Electronic Records Archives (ERA) for the National Archives and Records Administration; the team was awarded a $308 million contract in September 2005. Dr. Hunter is co-inventor on four patents in the area of digital preservation submitted by the project team in the United States and the European Union. In 2017, Dr. Hunter completed a six-year term as Editor of The American Archivist, the premier peer-reviewed journal in the field. Two of his books have received awards from the Society of American Archivists. In the last three years, Dr. Hunter has received $2.2 million in external funding to digitize materials in local historical societies and to make available Robert Moses’ archival legacy on Long Island.

"The new version reflects some of the biggest issues and topics in archives today, including chapters on community archives (their creation and management) and the archival profession ... The result is an effective balance between the essential core tenets of classical archival methods and emerging areas in the field. Though the book takes an archival perspective, it will be accessible to those who have no prior experience in archives. VERDICT A necessary title for those working in archives and essential reading for anyone establishing a community archive without previous archival experience."
— Library Journal

"Hunter has included numerous enhancements in the revised 3rd edition, including appraising, acquiring, and accessing digital records; applying More Product Less Process (MPLP) practices for collections; and outlining preservation strategies for trustworthy digital repositories. The latter addresses the need for creating technical format registries, bitstream registration, content emulation, and format normalization (to maintain content stability) among others ... [Hunter's manual] still maintains its status as the seminal archival textbook and operations manual. It is highly recommended for both archives instructional and archives management applications."
— Technicalities

"Hunter has endeavored to make the manual current and achieves this overall ... His decades of experience as teacher and writer have ensured that this book maintains its prominence as a key reference work and informative guide to contemporary archival best practice. Archivists in small institutions, lone arrangers, and individuals unexpectedly tasked with archival duties will appreciate the well-organized chapters on every aspect of establishing and maintaining an archive. The volume also offers a valuable refresher for experienced archivists and those with shifting responsibilities within their current roles."

"A motivated beginner with little or no experience probably could step into an existing archives or even build one from scratch by following the detailed practical advice in this excellent manual ... Hunter writes clearly and directly."
— Journal of Hospital Librarianship

praise for previous editions

"Not only a rich and ready reference tool but also a practical resource for solving problems ... A must for every archivist or aspirant to the profession."
— Catholic Library World

"A 'must-read' for anyone ... building or maintaining an archive."
— Library Bookwatch

— Library Journal

"Hunter has provided the profession with a text that is best suited for beginning archivists and graduate students in archival studies or library science programs ... I recommend the text to academic librarians who are responsible for developing an archives for their institution, yet are not acquainted with the field of archives and manuscripts."
— Journal of Academic Librarianship