Ordering Information

Payment Options

The ALA Store accepts Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover credit cards. Organizations with established ALA accounts in good standing may order through a purchase order number and will be invoiced. Email acctrec@press.uchicago.edu for information and documentation needed to set up an organizational account. Chicago Distribution Center is the official fulfillment vendor for the ALA Store. Please remit payment by check made payable to Chicago Distribution Center, 11030 S Langley Ave, Chicago, IL 60628.  Electronic payment option available: email acctrec@press.uchicago.edu for further information.

Order Processing

When you add products to your online cart and begin the check out process, you will be directed to a page where you will create an online account/profile on the ALA Store, if you do not already have one.  This is for both ALA Members and non-members.  The online ALA Store Shopping Cart team will be then able to assist with any problems with your order.  Please contact cart@press.uchicago.edu if you have difficulty ordering online. FYI for ALA Members: Please proceed through the checkout process to see your ALA Member discount applied. The shopping cart just needs a little time to connect to the ALA Membership system to verify membership. Once you place your order, you will receive an email confirmation/receipt from Chicago Distribution Center, the official fulfillment vendor for the ALA Store, that your order is in process. For any problems with your receipt, or questions about shipping or tracking of your order, please email custserv@press.uchicago.edu Purchase orders and credit card orders will be processed by our order and fulfillment service in the same way as mail, phone, email, or fax orders. If ordering by phone, email, or fax, please indicate preferred shipping method.

Shipping & Tax Information

Customer Service and Offline Ordering

Mail your order to: 

Chicago Distribution Center, Attn: ALA 
11030 S Langley Ave
Chicago, IL 60628

Email your order to: alastore@ala.org

Fax your order to: 800-621-8476

Download a fillable PDF order form: ALA Store Order Form

Call toll-free to place your order or for customer service: 

Monday through Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Central Time

Direct TTY: 773-702-7096