Practical Pedagogy for Library Instructors: 17 Innovative Strategies to Improve Student Learning--eEditions e-book

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  • Description
  • Table of Contents
  • About the authors

Preface - Douglas Cook and Ryan Sittler
Acknowledgements - Douglas Cook and Ryan Sittler
1. Why Should Librarians Care About Pedagogy?
Douglas Cook
Cases Exemplifying Direct Instruction Presenting Large Amounts of Information
2. How Cephalonia Can Conquer the World (Or At the Very Least, Your Students!): A Library Orientation Case Study From Cardiff University
Nigel Morgan and Linda Davies
3. It's Showtime! Engaging Students in Library Instruction
Debbie Crumb and Eric Palo
4. The Clicky Things Rocked! Combating Plagiarism with Audience Response System Technology
Christine Bombaro
Reviewing Information Presented
5. Daily Doubles, Final Answers, and Library Resources
Julie Maginn
Presenting Complex Ideas
6. Making Meaning: Using Metaphor as a Tool to Increase Student Understanding
Susan Avery and Jim Hahn
7. Analogical Storytelling as a Strategy for Teaching Concept Attainment
Anna Montgomery Johnson
8. Keep Them Engaged: Cooperative Learning with the Jigsaw Method
Linda Reeves, Judy McMillan, and Renata Gibson
Cases Exemplifying Student-Centered Instruction Using Dialogue
9. True and Terrifying Stories: Using Peer-Led Discussion Groups to Evaluate Information Texts
Karla M. Schmit
10. Constructing Narrative to Situate Learning in Library Instruction: Counseling an Imaginary Undergraduate
Susan M. Frey
11. Using a Personality Test to Teach Boolean Logic
Kathleen Lowe
12. Plagiarism Instruction Online: Beyond the Citation
Lyda Ellis
13. Web 2.0: Using a Wiki to Extend Learning beyond the Classroom Walls
Carl DiNardo
Using Simulation
14. An "Amazing Race" through the Library: Reality Television Meets Problem-Based Learning
Dawn Eckenrode
Using Students' Experiences
15. Electronic Portfolios as a Means of Authentic Assessment
William Jefferson and Eloise M. Long
16. Picture This: A Snapshot of How Technology Motivates Student Research
Li Zhu and Kathleen Zakri
17. Bringing Them into the Community: Innovative Library Instructional Strategies for International and ESL Students
John Hickok
Using Students' Experiences to Discuss Social Injustice
18. Zines! Librarians and Faculty Engaging Students in Creative Scholarship
Amanda Hornby, Suzan Parker, and Kari Lerum
Appendix: Contributors

Preface - Douglas Cook and Ryan Sittler
Acknowledgements - Douglas Cook and Ryan Sittler
1. Why Should Librarians Care About Pedagogy?
Douglas Cook
Cases Exemplifying Direct Instruction Presenting Large Amounts of Information
2. How Cephalonia Can Conquer the World (Or At the Very Least, Your Students!): A Library Orientation Case Study From Cardiff University
Nigel Morgan and Linda Davies
3. It's Showtime! Engaging Students in Library Instruction
Debbie Crumb and Eric Palo
4. The Clicky Things Rocked! Combating Plagiarism with Audience Response System Technology
Christine Bombaro
Reviewing Information Presented
5. Daily Doubles, Final Answers, and Library Resources
Julie Maginn
Presenting Complex Ideas
6. Making Meaning: Using Metaphor as a Tool to Increase Student Understanding
Susan Avery and Jim Hahn
7. Analogical Storytelling as a Strategy for Teaching Concept Attainment
Anna Montgomery Johnson
8. Keep Them Engaged: Cooperative Learning with the Jigsaw Method
Linda Reeves, Judy McMillan, and Renata Gibson
Cases Exemplifying Student-Centered Instruction Using Dialogue
9. True and Terrifying Stories: Using Peer-Led Discussion Groups to Evaluate Information Texts
Karla M. Schmit
10. Constructing Narrative to Situate Learning in Library Instruction: Counseling an Imaginary Undergraduate
Susan M. Frey
11. Using a Personality Test to Teach Boolean Logic
Kathleen Lowe
12. Plagiarism Instruction Online: Beyond the Citation
Lyda Ellis
13. Web 2.0: Using a Wiki to Extend Learning beyond the Classroom Walls
Carl DiNardo
Using Simulation
14. An "Amazing Race" through the Library: Reality Television Meets Problem-Based Learning
Dawn Eckenrode
Using Students' Experiences
15. Electronic Portfolios as a Means of Authentic Assessment
William Jefferson and Eloise M. Long
16. Picture This: A Snapshot of How Technology Motivates Student Research
Li Zhu and Kathleen Zakri
17. Bringing Them into the Community: Innovative Library Instructional Strategies for International and ESL Students
John Hickok
Using Students' Experiences to Discuss Social Injustice
18. Zines! Librarians and Faculty Engaging Students in Creative Scholarship
Amanda Hornby, Suzan Parker, and Kari Lerum
Appendix: Contributors

Douglas Cook

Douglas Cook is an instruction librarian and professor at Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania. He received his MLS from the University of Maryland and DEd from Pennsylvania State University. He has recently coedited five books: with Tasha Cooper, Teaching Information Literacy Skills to Social Science Students and Practioners (2006); with Ryan Sittler, Practical Pedagogy for Library Instructors (2008) and The Library Instruction Cookbook (2009); with Lesley Farmer, Using Qualitative Methods in Action Research (2011); and a children's book with Carolyn Cook, A Hike on the Appalachian Trail (2010). His current research interests are web-centered pedagogy and real-world definitions of information literacy.

Ryan L. Sittler

Ryan L. Sittler is an associate professor and the instructional technology/information literacy librarian at California University of Pennsylvania. He received his MSLS from Clarion University of Pennsylvania, MSIT from Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania, and PhD in communications media and instructional technology from Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Sittler has co-edited multiple books on both information literacy and Springshare’s LibGuides platform. Among these are The Library Instruction Cookbook (2009), Using LibGuides to Enhance Library Services (2013), Innovative LibGuides Applications (2016), and The Library Outreach Casebook (2018). Dr. Sittler is also part of a team that developed the educational information literacy game, "A Planet in Peril: Plagiarism," which won the Caspian Learning 2010 Serious Games Challenge. His current research interests are instructional design in educational games and media effects as they relate to information processing. He also happens to be a huge Doctor Who fan. He can be found on Twitter at @RyanLSittler.