International Students and Academic Libraries: Initiatives for Success--e-book

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  • Description
  • Table of Contents
  • About the authors

The number of international students studying on campuses in the United States is at an all-time high. International students bring with them special skills and insights, but they also present unique challenges for our educational systems. Libraries play a critical role in connecting these foreign students, not only to our universities and colleges, but also to the information literacy skills they need to succeed.

The insightful case studies presented in International Students and Academic Libraries: Initiatives for Success describe over a dozen exciting projects that support the success of international students studying at academic institutions. The work provides numerous examples of new and innovative strategies for librarians to encourage library use among international students and increase international student success. This volume is essential reading for academic librarians, library educators and professional collections at institutions that support international student populations.

Pamela Jackson and Patrick Sullivan

Chapter 1. Knowing Their Background First: Understanding Prior Library Experiences of International Students
John Hickok

Chapter 2. Engaging International Students Before Welcome Week
Jannelle Ruswick

Chapter 3. Creating Research Ambassadors: Expanding the Role of International Students
Elys Kettling Law and Nicola Kille

Chapter 4. Engaging International Students in Academic Library Initiatives for their Peers
Dawn Amsberry and Loanne Snavely

Chapter 5. International Education Week: Celebrating the Benefits of International Education and Exchange
Alena Aissing

Chapter 6. Beyond the One-Shot Instruction Session: Semester-long Partnerships for International Student Success
Amy R. Hofer and Margot Hanson

Chapter 7. A Multifaceted Model of Outreach and Instruction for International Students
Merinda Kaye Hensley and Emily Love

Chapter 8. Connecting to International Students in Their Languages: Innovative Bilingual Library Instruction in Academic Libraries
Eileen K. Bosch and Valeria E. Molteni

Chapter 9. Addressing Academic Integrity: Perspectives From Virginia Commonwealth University in Qatar
Nancy Fawley

Chapter 10. Addressing Deeper Issues of Information Literacy in Graduate International Students: A Korean Student Case Study
William Badke

Chapter 11. Connecting@ZSR: Meeting the Research Needs of International Graduate Students
Sarah H. Jeong and H. David "Giz" Womack

Chapter 12. An Integrated Approach to Supporting International Students at the University of Technology, Sydney in Australia
Dr. Alex Byrne

Chapter 13. The University of Southern California's Campus-wide Strategies to Reach International Students
Shahla Bahavar, Najwa Hanel, Karen Howell, and Norah Xiao

About the Editors

Pamela A. Jackson


Patrick Sullivan

Patrick Sullivan has worked extensively with international students since entering the library field. He is actively involved in the local San Diego State University (SDSU) Scholars without Borders and previously with Phi Beta Delta International Scholars Society. He is currently the Business Reference Librarian at San Diego State University.