Teaching Information Literacy to Social Sciences Students and Practitioners: A Casebook of Applications--eEditions e-book
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- Description
- Table of Contents
- About the authors
Teaching Information Literacy to Social Sciences Students & Practitioners is a second discipline-based casebook from ACRL. This volume is based on the ACRL Information Literacy Competency Standards and presents cases on learning situations and how they can be analyzed and addressed. Also included are descriptions of instruction sessions for each case, notes, and teaching resources. Each case explicitly reflects one or more of the ACRL Information Literacy Standards.
This practical collection of cases and applications brings a new set of resources to librarians doing instruction in the social sciences. Contributors cover such topics as data literacy, visual literacy, and developmental research skills training. Information on teaching undergraduate, graduate, and international students, and how to incorporate information literacy into various social science curricula are also presented.
Patricia O'Brien Libutti
Douglas Cook and Natasha Cooper
Douglas Cook and Natasha Cooper
Notes regarding format
Douglas Cook and Natasha Cooper
Case Studies:
- A Picture Worth a Thousand Words: Visual Literacy through Critical Inquiry
Laura Barrett and Suzan Parker - Introducing Undergraduates to Data Literacy: How to Find, Use, and Evaluate Numeric Data
Jen-chien Yu and Aaron K. Shrimplin - Finding Historical Information to Prepare a Speech
Alice L. Daugherty - Using the News to Teach Reference Sources to Journalism Students
Mary Feeney - A Communication Capstone Project: A Developmental Model for Undergraduate Research Skills Training
Steven C. Koehn and Janet McNeil Hurlbert - Faculty–Librarian–Undergraduate Collaboration for Evaluating Children's Literature Resources
Sara K. Kearns, Marcia G. Stockham, and Karin E. Westman - Inspired Teachers: Providing a Classroom Context for Information Literacy Theory and Practice
Corinne Laverty and Brenda Reed - Weaving the Threads of Early Childhood Curricular Approaches into Preservice Practice: A Course-embedded Information Literacy Instruction Model
Signia Warner and Lolly Templeton - Modeling an Inquiry-based Research Project to Preservice Teachers
Jane A. Smith - Using a Classroom Assessment to Address Diverse Levels of Competence in Education Graduate Students
Susan Ariew - Vygotsky's Theory and Standards as Frameworks for Library Instruction in a Research Methods Course
Veronica Bielat and Navaz Peshotan Bhavnagri - Teacher as Researcher: Librarian and Faculty Collaboration in Teaching the Literature Review in a Distance-delivered Teacher Education Program
Thomas Scott Duke and Jennifer D. Brown - Teaching Elementary Education Graduate Students Information Literacy Skills: Collaborating for Success
Collette D. Childers and Christine G. Renne - Teaching International Students to Access and Use Library Resources
Justina O. Osa - Digital Resources for Distance Students in a Library Science and Literacy Program
Melissa Cast and Rebecca Pasco - They Click! Information Literacy and Undergraduates in an Introduction to Management Class
Jennifer S. A. Leigh, Cynthia A. Gibbon, and Janelle Wertzberger - International Legal Research with Undergraduates
David M. Oldenkamp - Basic Training: Putting Undergraduate Government Students through the Paces
Barbara P. Norelli - Research in Reverse: Attempting to Retrace a Researcher's Steps
Christopher Cox - Suntanning as a Risky Behavio(u)r: Information Literacy for Research Methods in Psychology
Allison Faix and Jennifer Hughes - Into the Breach: Teaching Graduate Students to Avoid Plagiarism
Patti Schifter Caravello - Undergraduate Social Work Students and Government Documents: An Integrated Approach to Contextual Learning
Chantana Charoenpanitkul and Ryan L. Sittler - Library and Information Literacy Built into a Social Work Credit Course
Grace Xu - Targeted Instruction Programs for Students in Graduate Professional Programs at a Large Research Institution: Lessons from Business, Journalism, and Social Work
Kathleen M. Dreyer, Alysse D. Jordan, and Deborah Y. Wassertzug
Appendix A: Association of College and Research Libraries, Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education (Chicago: ACRL, 2000). Available online from http://www.ala.org/ala/acrl/acrlstandards/informationliteracycompetency….
Appendix B: Contributors
Douglas Cook
Douglas Cook is an instruction librarian and professor at Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania. He received his MLS from the University of Maryland and DEd from Pennsylvania State University. He has recently coedited five books: with Tasha Cooper, Teaching Information Literacy Skills to Social Science Students and Practioners (2006); with Ryan Sittler, Practical Pedagogy for Library Instructors (2008) and The Library Instruction Cookbook (2009); with Lesley Farmer, Using Qualitative Methods in Action Research (2011); and a children's book with Carolyn Cook, A Hike on the Appalachian Trail (2010). His current research interests are web-centered pedagogy and real-world definitions of information literacy.