More Family Storytimes: Twenty-four Creative Programs for All Ages

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  • Description
  • Table of Contents
  • About the author
  • Reviews

Storytimes are essential to every public library and attract children and adults in droves, cementing the relationship between children and the library. In addition, they allow parents and caregivers to network and learn how to conduct similar programs at home. In this sequel to Family Storytimes, best-selling author Rob Reid packs More Family Storytimes full of all new material that gets everyone involved and participating in the fun. This book provides 24 different, 30-minute programs that encourage learning readiness and reading skills. Not only are the programs practical and creative, but they will captivate audiences of all ages with

  • Tested and library-ready program plans at a glance
  • Engaging activities that elicit audience response
  • Relevant themes and resources

Featuring stories, fingerplays, songs, and movement activities, More Family Storytimes will enhance the time families spend at the library. If you liked Family Storytime, you will love the imaginative and energetic ideas in Reid's latest book!

A New Hello

The Programs:
Second-Generation Favorites
Altered Endings and Twisted Tales
Barnyard Fun
Big and Gray
Black Bears, Brown Bears, Polar, Panda, and Teddy Bears
Bubbly Bubble Bathtime
Creepy Crawlers
Frogs, Snakes, Turtles, 'Gators, and Crocs
Jammy Jamboree
Meow and Squeak!
The Name Game
Outrageous Hats and Sensible Shoes
Papas, Granddads, and Uncles
Super Moms, Super Grandmas, and Super Aunts
The Tricksters
Uh-Oh! Accidents!
Under the Deep Blue Sea, Sea, Sea
What'cha Gonna Wear?
What's Cooking?
Wild Critters
Winter Wonderland
Woof and Wag

A Final Good-bye Activity

Rob Reid

Rob Reid, with more than 20 years' experience as children's librarian, teaches courses on children's and young adult literature and librarianship as full time lecturer at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. He is the author of Family Storytimes, Something Funny Happened at the Library, Cool Story Programs for the School-aged Crowd and other ALA Editions favorites. A regular contributor to Book Links, he is also a popular and entertaining presenter at conferences, libraries, and schools.

"This is a very practical and easy-to-use book that has valuable ideas that could be used by anyone who needs to entertain large groups of young children, especially in a library setting. It would be easy to adapt the programmes for different groups and substitute the books and songs for those that are readily available in the library, while maintaining the themes. This book is recommended for children's librarians or teachers who are short on time and require ready-made ideas and activities to entertain and educate young children."
--The Australian Library Journal