Reid's Read-Alouds 2: Modern-Day Classics from C.S. Lewis to Lemony Snicket

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  • Description
  • Table of Contents
  • About the author
  • Reviews

Need a one-stop resource for jumpstarting sleepy library visitors? Ready to add punch to classroom discussions? In this companion to his best-selling book Reid's Read-Alouds, children's lit guru Reid dips back into the classics to highlight outstanding titles published between 1950 and 1999 that continue to connect with kids and teens today. From humor and drama to science fiction and history, Reid makes it easy to find just the right place to begin, with unique 10-minute read-aloud suggestions drawn from 200 carefully selected titles. Along with his field-tested great reads, he includes

  • Brief plot summaries and appropriate age levels for each title
  • Program planning suggestions
  • Indexes by subject, author, title, and grade-level

An excellent time-saver for the busy librarian or teacher, Reid's guide will enliven audiences and make reading fun.

Authors and Titles at a Glance
The Read-Alouds
Titles by Decade and Year
Books by Subject
Grade-Level Recommendations

Rob Reid

Rob Reid, with more than 20 years' experience as children's librarian, teaches courses on children's and young adult literature and librarianship as full time lecturer at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. He is the author of Family Storytimes, Something Funny Happened at the Library, Cool Story Programs for the School-aged Crowd and other ALA Editions favorites. A regular contributor to Book Links, he is also a popular and entertaining presenter at conferences, libraries, and schools.

"Sharing stories is still a powerful experience in the digital age. Children's literature expert Reid knows, as he shares literature with youngsters and librarians around the country ... Reid states that all selections are 'kid-tested,' so users of this book can feel comfortable grabbing a title to read aloud for ASAP programming."

"A great resource for programme planning, allowing the reader to select grade or subject relevant titles. Aimed at children's librarians, this book will also be useful for casual/relief teachers who are seeking an easily planned lesson, or for the teacher who is seeking a programme to inspire a ‘tired' literature class."
--The Australian Library Journal