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- Description
- Table of Contents
- About the author
- Reviews
From master storyteller and storytimes creator Reid comes this delightful assortment of activities ready for use by children’s librarians, elementary-level media specialists, and early childhood instructors. Reid’s bountiful compendium of his “greatest hits” includes original and adapted fingerplays, poems, activities involving movement and music, participation stories, felt stories, imagination exercises, spoonerism stories, and library raps. With ideas that are perfect for mixing and matching according to audience, setting, and program length, this book
- offers activities suitable for a variety of ages, from children as young as preschool age through middle school students;
- begins with “Hello Activities” and ends with “Goodbye Activities”;
- includes categories such as “The Animal World,” “My World,” “More Fun,” and “The Literary World”; and
- recommends picture books published between 2012 and 2017 to share with children immediately before or after presenting the activity.
Drawn from thousands of hours of programming, these time-tested activities will engage young ones as well as their parents and caregivers.
The Activities
Hello Activities
The Animal World
Animals Around the World
Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Mammals
Insects and Spiders
Into the Woods
My World
Bedtime and Morning Time
Family and Friends
Let’s Move, Dance, and Sing
My Body
More Fun
Imaginary Creatures (Aliens, Dragons, Monsters, and Robots)
Winter Play
The Literary World
Books, Reading, and Libraries
Literary Characters
The Library Raps
Goodbye Activities / Closings
Rob Reid
Rob Reid, with more than 20 years' experience as children's librarian, teaches courses on children's and young adult literature and librarianship as full time lecturer at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. He is the author of Family Storytimes, Something Funny Happened at the Library, Cool Story Programs for the School-aged Crowd and other ALA Editions favorites. A regular contributor to Book Links, he is also a popular and entertaining presenter at conferences, libraries, and schools.
"Librarians and reading teachers will welcome the section 'Books, Reading, and Libraries,' with its celebration of literacy. VERDICT: Particularly useful for the new storyteller. Recommended for large collections."
— School Library Journal
"Even those librarians who have access to Reid's previous books will want this all-in-one collection because it includes activities that were previously only published in magazines. This is an excellent resource for both beginning and seasoned children's librarians and early childhood teachers."
— Booklist
"Great news for storytellers and practitioners of children’s group activities for children between preschool and middle primary school years. Master storyteller, Rob Reid, has published a new edition of ready to use literature-related activities for libraries and elementary classrooms ... this book will prove an invaluable training and reference guide. Building on best practice and developing leadership skills, practitioners are encouraged to pick and choose between activities and to adapt as they develop opportunities to make their own story programs which are better suited to their own environment.”
— Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association