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- Description
- Table of Contents
- About the author
- Reviews
This groundbreaking book is the first to provide librarians, archivists and museum staff with practical guidance to creating and organizing successful exhibitions.
Drawing on international museum practice but applicable to any exhibition or display, the book sets out a timeline from the initial idea to the final legacy. Backed up by advice and guidance and with a list of resources for those who need in-depth information, such as international laws and standards applying to museum loans, it has up-to-date information on new developments such as flexibility in environmental conditions and sustainability and lists the top-ten tips for exhibition success and the ten biggest mistakes.
Written by an international expert and designed for the first-time exhibition organizer as well as the professional and a key work for cultural management students, this book will become the standard for exhibition success.
Exhibition organization The successful exhibition Background Exhibition benefits Planning an exhibition References
Fundamentals Concept Objects Policy People Space Finance Audience and programmes Time schedule Objectives and risks Stage One checklist Summary References
2. Planning
Fundamentals Project management Communication Project team Schedule Loans and lenders Exhibition space Budget Insurance Exhibition design Transport Stage Two checklist Summary References
3. Organization
Fundamentals Loans and lenders Design and build Environment Insurance Transport Marketing and publications People Stage Three checklist Summary References
4. Packing and transport
Fundamentals Internal moves External moves Lenders delivering their own loans Insurance Stage Four checklist Summary References
5. Installation
Fundamentals Planning for installation Team Schedule Gallery preparation Access Delivery Unwrapping and inspection Receiving couriers Display furniture and fixings Placing and hanging Labels and signage Lighting Preparation for the opening Invigilators Stage Five checklist Summary References
6. Openings
Fundamentals What kind of opening? Planning Safety and security On the day Afterwards Stage Six checklist Summary
7. Maintenance and programmes
Fundamentals Monitoring Ongoing requirements Daily activities Events and programmes Stage Seven checklist Summary References
8. Closure
Fundamentals Planning Deinstallation Return Completion Stage Eight checklist Summary
9. Touring exhibitions
Fundamentals Why send an exhibition on tour? Planning and agreements During the tour End of the tour Exhibition tour checklist Summary References
10. Legacy
Fundamentals The importance of legacy Evaluation Impact Archive Stage Ten checklist Summary References
Air freight security Claims Commissions Contractors Copyright Couriers Customs, import and export Damage reporting Disclaimers Display cases Due diligence Emergency plan Environment Ethics Government indemnity Hazardous materials Insurance Light and lighting Pest management Security Sustainability Unclaimed loans Valuations Visitors with special needs Bibliography
Freda Matassa
Freda Matassa FRSA MA (Hons) DipAL DipEd is a well-known UK expert on collections management who advises, teaches and lectures internationally. Currently Director of Matassa Toffolo, a museum-standard art consultancy, former Head of Collections Management at Tate Galleries and co-founder of the European Registrars Conference, she is expert adviser on several European projects for museum standards and to the Minister of Culture on Immunity from Seizure. She was named one of the Top 50 Women to Watch in the arts and is the author of Museum Collections Management (Facet, 2011) and Organizing Exhibitions (Facet, 2014).
"International lecturer Freda Matassa (former Head of Collections Management at the Tate) presents Organizing Exhibitions: A Handbook for Museums, Libraries and Archives - an in-depth reference and resource for museum staff, librarians, and archivists. Chapters discuss how to take space, audience, and budgetary constraints into account; offer point-by-point checklists for each stage of creating the exhibit; outline concerns for opening day; highlight specific issues for an exhibit on tour; and much more...It also lends credibility to the organization and demonstrates professional practice. Organizing Exhibitions is a "must-have" for aspiring and practising professionals, and highly recommended."
— Midwest Book Review
"Organizing Exhibitions is a thorough work and key procedures are well covered...The detailed ‘step by step' approach, supported by the sample documentation, provides an excellent grounding that can be easily adapted to a number of circumstances."
— Archives and Records