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- Description
- Table of Contents
- About the author
- Reviews
As libraries continue to fight for their survival amid growing expectations, competition from online sources and wavering public perceptions, effective marketing is increasingly becoming a critical tool to ensure the continued support of users, stakeholders and society as a whole. The Library Marketing Toolkit provides readers with everything needed to successfully market any library. Author Ned Potter offers expert coverage of every element of library marketing and branding for all types of libraries, including archives and academic, public and special libraries, providing innovative and easy-to-implement techniques and ideas. Included are numerous case studies highlighting best practices and offering expert advice from thought-leaders such as David Lee King, Alison Circle, Terry Kendrick, and Rebecca Jones, plus institutions at the cutting-edge of library marketing including the British Library, New York Public Library, the National Archive, Cambridge University, JISC, the National Library of Singapore and the State Library of New South Wales. Among the key topics covered in the text are:
- Seven key concepts for marketing libraries
- Strategic marketing
- The library brand
- Marketing and the library building
- An introduction to marketing online
- Marketing with social media
- Marketing with new technologies
- Marketing and people
- Internal marketing
- Library advocacy as marketing
- Marketing special collections and archives
Essential reading for anyone involved in promoting their library or information service, whether at an academic, public or special library or in archives or records management, this book is also a useful guide for LIS students internationally who need to understand the practice of library marketing.
Check out this title's companion website!
- About marketing
- About this book
1. Seven key concepts for marketing libraries
- The seven concepts
- Anchoring these ideas in marketing theory
2. Strategic marketing
- The marketing cycle
- 1: Decide on your goals
- 2: Market research
- 3: Segmentation
- 4: Set objectives
- 5: Promotional activities
- 6: Measurement
- 7: Evaluation
- 8: Modification
- Developing a marketing plan
3. The library brand
- Quick definitions
- What is library branding?
- Visual identity
- Merchandise
- Slogans
- Branding and marketing a converged library and IT service
4. Marketing and the library building
- Library design
- Signs and displays
- Marketing the library as space
5. An introduction to online marketing
- The library website
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
- Mobile websites
6. Marketing with social media
- Do your patrons use social media?
- General principles of marketing with social media
- Blogs and blogging
- Tumblr
- Google+
- LinkedIIn
- Conclusion
7. Marketing with new technologies
- Quick definitions
- Video marketing
- Image sharing
- QR Codes
- Geolocational apps
- Web 20 catalogues and live chat
- Podcasts
- Wikis
- Slide sharing
- Viral marketing
- Technology and teenagers
8. Marketing and people
- Collaborating with people
- Reaching people
9. Internal marketing
- The importance of internal marketing
- Marketing to internal stakeholders
- Marketing with internal stakeholders: co-operative promotion
10. Library advocacy as marketing
- National campaigns and local marketing
- Promoting your library in response to criticism of libraries in general
- Advocacy, promotion and positive messages
- The library media narrative
- Trojan horse advocacy
11. Marketing special collections and archives
- Introduction
- Access, access, access: marketing digital collections
- Genealogy
- Tailoring your marketing to fit the cultural landscape
- Mounting and promoting a more traditional exhibition
- Learning from museums
- Crowdsourcing
- Marketing audiovisual materials
- A final word on marketing libraries
Ned Potter
Ned Potter is Academic Liaison Librarian at the University of York. He won the SLA Europe Early Career Conference Award 2011 and was named a Library Journal Mover and Shaker in 2011. He is the founder of the LIS New Professionals Network, is the New Professionals Support Officer for the CILIP Career Development Group (Yorkshire & Humberside) and has been involved in several national New Professionals events. He blogs as The Wikiman and presents regularly on marketing libraries and the echo chamber phenomenon.
"From social media to old fashioned methods, and how to build a good brand, this scholarly and comprehensive guide will prove invaluable to any librarian who seeks to get the word out. The Library Marketing Toolkit is enthusiastically recommended, not to be missed."
--Midwest Book Review
"...highly recommended for all types of libraries, even those such as departmental libraries that do not have an apparent public face. The chapter on internal marketing is an eye-opener. The whole book has a reassuring and inspiring tone: ideas and approaches outlined in the book appear absolutely achievable and commonsensical. I suggest that you buy, borrow or beg a copy today."
- Australian Library Journal
"The Library Marketing Toolkit is packed full of useful, informative and above all practical information about the best ways of getting your message across, and it should be on the shelf of every librarian and information professional who needs to promote the idea of the library and its value in a modern day society."
- Phil Bradley
"Ned Potter's book will help any library succeed in creating a community that is aware and engaged in its library. He has written an easy to follow tool kit targeted at the specific marketing needs of librarians that is sure to become a favourite resource for anyone involved in marketing a library. There are case studies from libraries around the world that will inspire you no matter whether your library is large or small. You'll love this book!"
- Nancy Dowd
"...brilliant and a great addition to the library professional discourse."
- Andy Woodworth