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  • Description
  • About the author

From renowned leadership guru Catherine Hakala-Ausperk, author of the bestseller Be A Great Boss, comes this unique series of pragmatic leadership planners.

Buy the first three books in the Leadership Planners series in this specially-priced bundle and save!


  • Future-Proof Your Team: This planner will ensure you keep moving forward by guiding you in taking concrete, positive steps—right away, soon, and in the future.
  • Win 'Em Over: This planner will help you examine the reasons, the implications, the challenges, and the solutions that confidence — or a lack thereof — can cause.
  • Dynamic Discipline: This planner will ensure that you discipline well by helping you focus on improvement, not punishment.


Catherine Hakala-Ausperk

Catherine Hakala-Ausperk is an author, speaker, and trainer with over 35 years’ library experience in everything from direct customer service to library management and administration. She is an Adjunct Instructor at the iSchool at Kent State and also teaches for the American Library Association’s Certified Public Library Administrator (CPLA) Program, The Public Library Association, ALA’s eLearning Solutions, the Urban Library Council, InfoPeople, and multiple other organizations.  An active speaker, planner, and trainer in libraries across the country, she is the author of seven books:  Be a Great Boss: One Year to Success (ALA, 2011); Build a Great Team: One Year to Success (ALA, 2013); Renew Yourself: A Six-Step Plan for More Meaningful Work (ALA, 2017); and a unique series of Leadership Planners, including Future-Proof Your Team; Win ‘Em Over; Dynamic Discipline; and Hot Ticket Meetings. Catherine’s passion is for supporting, coaching, and developing great libraries, successful teams, and – especially – strong and effective leaders. You can check out her clients and projects on her website or follow her on Facebook at Catherine’s full resume is available at