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  • Description
  • Table of Contents
  • About the authors

This issue of Library Technology Reports (vol. 54, no. 5) looks at integrating library resources into learning management systems. Library resource integration in a local learning management system (LMS) can be streamlined through the application of the Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) standard, which allows connectivity between the LMS and other learning tools. Despite its convenience, the implementation of an LTI tool can be a complicated process both technically and administratively.

In this issue of Library Technology Reports, learning design librarian Amanda Clossen explores Pennsylvania State University Libraries’ large-scale implementation of Springshare’s LTI tool within Canvas. Beginning with the data gathering that guided Penn State’s strategy, this report covers

  • the technical aspects of implementation, with a focus on guides and reserves
  • strategies for embedding librarians within learning management systems
  • outreach and assessment efforts
  • major roadblocks and pain points, as well as ways to anticipate and easily overcome these challenges

Through the examples explored in this guide, readers will gain practical ideas on how to integrate library resources within their own LMS.

Chapter 1—Introduction

Amanda Clossen

Chapter 2—Tell Us a Story: Canvas Integration Strategy

Amanda Clossen and Linda Klimczyk

Chapter 3—One Step at a Time: Large-Scale LTI Implementation at Penn State

Linda Klimczyk

Chapter 4—Bringing Guides to Every Course

Amanda Clossen

Chapter 5—Migrating Electronic Reserves to Springshare at PSU

J. Christopher Holobar

Chapter 6—Librarian Role and Embedded Librarianship

Victoria Raish

Chapter 7—Ongoing Implementation: Outreach to Stakeholders

Amanda Clossen

Chapter 8—Conclusion

Amanda Clossen

Edited by Amanda Clossen

Amanda Clossen is the learning design librarian at Penn State, where she coordinates the development of online learning environments. Her research interests include accessible design, metacognition as it applies to library instruction, and student engagement with instructional video.

Library Technology Reports

Published by ALA TechSource, Library Technology Reports helps librarians make informed decisions about technology products and projects. Library Technology Reports publishes eight issues annually and provides thorough overviews of current technology. Reports are authored by experts in the field and may address the application of technology to library services, offer evaluative descriptions of specific products or product classes, or cover emerging technology. Find out more information on this publication and how you can subscribe here.