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  • Description
  • Table of Contents
  • About the authors
  • Reviews

Screening movies is a fun, engaging way to bring people of all ages into the library, and this book offers the tools to make movie programming a reality at any public library. Irons, a public librarian who has overseen a county-wide movie program, offers a complete guide to creating, mounting, running, and evaluating a successful program, including

  • Guidance on developing movie programming at the library as a component of community outreach, with tips for making the case to stakeholders
  • Ideas for developing program themes and selecting the best titles for a movie series, plus several resource lists
  • A succinct primer on the legal issues involved with showing movies at the library, and a breakdown of the different kinds of licensing agreements
  • A chapter discussing equipment and technology needs
  • Advice for effectively marketing film programming

From selling the idea to administrators and partnering with community groups, to selecting great movies and tackling permissions issues, this guide from the Public Library Association (PLA) is an all-in-one resource for movie programming—just add popcorn!

  PrefaceAcknowledgments Chapter 1 Introduction: Why Film Programming? Chapter 2 Creating Your Film Program Chapter 3 Film Discussion Groups and Special Programs Chapter 4 Viewers' Advisory Chapter 5Equipment Chapter 6 Legalities and Related Issues Chapter 7 Marketing 

Appendix A Films Based on Books for ChildrenAppendix B Year-Round Film Programming IdeasAppendix C Films Inspired by Classic LiteratureAppendix D Online ResourcesAppendix E Template for Film Discussion Group ResearchAppendix F Leading a Film Discussion Group


Kati Irons

Kati Irons is currently the audiovisual collection development librarian for the Pierce County Library System, Tacoma, Washington. She selects and maintains a 500,000-item audiovisual collection for the eighteen-branch system, which serves 560,000 people and manages an AV budget that has increased from $30,000 in 1991 to more than $700,000 in 2014. Irons works with in-staff and Friends groups to develop programming and educates staff on appropriate marketing and licensing for film programs. She has presented on libraries and film programming at ALA in 2011 and at WLA conferences in 2011 and 2012.

Public Library Association (PLA)

The Public Library Association (PLA) is a division of the American Library Association. PLA’s core purpose is to strengthen public libraries and their contribution to the communities they serve. Its mission is to enhance the development and effectiveness of public library staff and public library services.

"The guidebook every library needs to plan a oneshot program, weekend festival, or on-going program ... Highly recommended for any library which engages in this type of programming."
— Catholic Library World

"If you add only one adult-programming handbook to the professional collection this year, make it this one ... Programming tips are sprinkled through chapters that list films for specific age groups, subject areas, and tie into other library events. Don't skip the chapter on 'Viewers' Advisory,' which makes great connections between readers' and viewers' advisory."
— Booklist