Exploring Inclusive & Equitable Pedagogies: Creating Space for All Learners, Volume 2—eEditions PDF e-book
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- Description
- Table of Contents
- About the authors
Inclusive and equity-minded pedagogy is inspired by a rich array of theories including Black feminist thought, critical race theory, cultural humility, cultural competence, disabilities studies, universal design for learning, and critical information literacy. When we base our instruction on inclusive and equitable pedagogies, we endeavor to connect authentically with students as well as to connect classroom learning to the context of their lives. We share power with students, centering them and their varied learning preferences, and strive to create a culture of care, empathy, and humility both in and out of the classroom. When we clearly share our objectives and expectations for a learning experience, students may better understand us and the learning context we aspire to create.
In Exploring Inclusive & Equitable Pedagogies: Creating Space for All Learners, seven thorough sections across two volumes examine:
- Anti-Racist Approaches
- Intentional Information Literacy
- Engendering Care and Empathy
- Community Building
- Universal Design for Learning: An Important Benchmark
- Instructor Identity and Positionality
- Professional Development
Chapters cover topics including dismantling, reexamining, and reconstructing notions of authority in information literacy instruction; teaching technology inclusively; using primary sources to research queer and feminist histories; cocreating knowledge practices with students; prioritizing accessibility in synchronous and asynchronous learning environments; cultural humility, funds of knowledge, and information literacy instruction with first-generation students; designing and managing inclusive group projects; and much more.
To become the instructors our students need, we must adopt the mindsets and develop the underlying skills to enact inclusive and equitable teaching and learning. Exploring Inclusive & Equitable Pedagogies offers reflections, practices, and models that deepen our collective understanding of equitable and inclusive theories and practices and present new grounding for both our individual teaching and our instruction programs.
Volume 1
Section 1. Anti-racist Approaches
Elizabeth Foster
Chapter 1. “Dismantling the Machine”: A Case Study of Cross-campus, Multi-institutional Efforts to Address Systemic Racism
Ava Brillat, Roxane Pickens, and Kelsa Bartley
Chapter 2. Actualizing Research Skills: Integrating Culturally Responsive Practices into Library Instruction
Faith Bradham
Chapter 3. Civic Engagement in the Virtual Classroom: Using Dialogic Pedagogy to Create an Inclusive Space for Student Learning
Alicia G. Vaandering
Chapter 4. The Impact of Oppression: Transforming Historical Database Instruction into Contemporary Discussion
Kelleen Maluski
Chapter 5. Unlearning: First Steps toward an Anti-oppressive Information Literacy
Scott R. Cowan and Selinda Adelle Berg
Chapter 6. Supporting Epistemic Justice in the Anti-racist Classroom
Maggie Clarke
Chapter 7. Algorithmic Literacy as Inclusive Pedagogy
Melanie Sellar
Chapter 8. Oppressive Authority: Dismantling, Reexamining, and Reconstructing Notions of Authority in Information Literacy Instruction
Melissa Chomintra
Section 2. Intentional Information Literacy
Maura Seale
Chapter 9. The Feminist First-Year Seminar: Using Critical Pedagogy to Design a Mandatory Information Literacy Course
Heather Campbell
Chapter 10. Better Learning through Legal Research: Increasing Law Students’ Cultural Competency and Awareness of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility Using Legal Research Instruction
Clanitra Stewart Nejdl
Chapter 11. Digital Archive Kits: Accessibility and Flexibility
Glenn Koelling
Chapter 12. Teaching Technology Inclusively: One Librarian’s Critical Digital Pedagogy Approach to One-Shot Instruction Sessions
Tierney Steelberg
Chapter 13. Theories of Motivation as Inclusive Pedagogy: Strategies for Engaging and Equitable Instruction
Francesca Marineo Munk
Chapter 14. Facilitating Critical Information Literacy: Using Intergroup Dialogue to Engage with the Framework
Debbie Krahmer
Chapter 15. Drawing to Conceptualize Research, Reduce Implicit Bias, and Establish Researcher Positionality in the Graduate Classroom
Kari D. Weaver, Frances Brady, and Alissa Droog
Chapter 16. Examining the Information Literacy Dreamfield: Applying a Sentipensante Pedagogy to Library Research Consultations
Sheila García Mazari and Samantha Minnis
Section 3. Engendering Care and Empathy
Melissa N. Mallon
Chapter 17. Empowering Students by Using Primary Sources to Research Queer and Feminist Histories
Kate Drabinski, Jo Gadsby, and Lindsey Loeper
Chapter 18. Teaching and Learning through a Feminist Framework: Intersectionality and Primary Source Literacy
Sharon Ladenson
Chapter 19. Black Student Union Protests and a Cemetery: Creating Space for All Learners in the Archives
Randi Beem
Chapter 20. Human Library: Inclusion and Understanding through Dialogue
Allison McFadden-Keesling
Chapter 21. Flexible Pedagogies for Inclusive Learning: Balancing Pliancy and Structure and Cultivating Cultures of Care
Andrea Baer
Chapter 22. Cultivating Connection: Attending to Student Affect through a Pedagogy of Care
Liz Chenevey
Conclusion. A Call to Action
About the Editors
About the Authors
Melissa N. Mallon
Melissa N. Mallon (she/her), MLIS, is associate university librarian for teaching & learning at Vanderbilt University. She has published, presented, and taught professional development courses in the areas of online learning, instructional design, and the impact of information and digital literacies on student learning. Her previous books include Partners in Teaching & Learning: Coordinating a Successful Academic Library Instruction Program (2020); The Pivotal Role of Academic Librarians in Digital Learning (2018); and the co-edited volume, The Grounded Instruction Librarian: Participating in the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning (2019). Positionality Statement: I identify as a white, cis-gendered woman, which affords me an acknowledged place of privilege. Through my teaching and research, I strive to use this privilege to give voice to those that may be underrepresented or unheard in both libraries and higher education. I strive to lead with empathy and humility, and endeavor to not stop listening and learning.
Jane Nichols
Jane Nichols provides research and instructional support as a humanities librarian and a liaison to the Undergrad Research & Writing Center at Oregon State University. Reflecting the variety of roles she has taken over her career, she has published and presented on myriad topics aimed at improving library services and spaces for all. Her scholarship extends to editing “The Americas” volume of Women’s Lives around the World: A Global Encyclopedia. A white, cis-gendered queer lesbian, she lives and works in the traditional homelands of the Marys River or Ampinefu Band of Kalapuya.
Elizabeth Foster
Elizabeth Foster, MSLS, is the social sciences data librarian at the University of Chicago. She serves as the subject expert for sociology and provides research and instructional support for data-driven research. Her research interests include anti-racist pedagogy, reflective practice, and data privacy.
Ariana Santiago
Ariana Santiago (she/her) is the head of open education services at the University of Houston Libraries. She has published, presented, and contributed professional service in the areas of open educational resources, information literacy, and library outreach. Ariana earned an M.A. in applied learning and instruction from the University of Central Florida and an M.A. in library and information science from the University of South Florida.
Maura Seale
Maura Seale is the history librarian at the University of Michigan, providing research and instructional support for students and faculty in the history department. Maura holds an M.S.I. from the University of Michigan School of Information, an M.A. in American studies from the University of Minnesota, and a graduate certificate in digital public humanities from George Mason University. Her research focuses on critical librarianship, library pedagogy, political economy and labor in libraries, and race and gender in libraries. She is the co-editor, with Karen P. Nicholson, of The Politics of Theory in the Practice of Critical Librarianship (2018). Her work can be found at www.mauraseale.org.
Robin Brown
Robin Brown, BSFS, MLS, MA is professor and head of public services for the library at Borough of Manhattan Community College (CUNY). She identifies as a person with disabilities and has published significant work on universal design for learning and disabilities studies. She identifies as a white, cis gender person and acknowledges that she has benefited from privileges on many different levels.