Predatory Publishing and Global Scholarly Communications—eEditions PDF e-book

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  • Description
  • Table of Contents
  • About the author

Predatory publishing is a complex problem that harms a broad array of stakeholders and concerns across the scholarly communications system. It shines a light on the inadequacies of scholarly assessment and related rewards systems, contributes to the marginalization of scholarship from less developed countries, and negatively impacts the acceptance of open access.
To fix what is broken in scholarly communications, academic librarians must act as both teachers and advocates and partner with other stakeholders who have the agency to change how scholarship is produced, assessed, and rewarded. Predatory Publishing and Global Scholarly Communications is a unique and comprehensive exploration of predatory publishing in four parts.

  • Background
  • Characteristics and Research
  • The Geopolitics of Scholarly Publishing
  • Responses and Solutions 

It examines the history of predatory publishing and basics of scholarly assessment; identifies types of research misconduct and unethical scholarly behaviors; provides critical context to predatory publishing and scholarly communications beyond the Global North; and offers structural and pedagogical solutions and teaching materials for librarians to use in their work with authors, students, faculty, and other stakeholders.
Predatory Publishing and Global Scholarly Communications gives powerful insight into predatory publishing across the world, inside and outside of the library community, and provides tools for understanding and teaching its impact and contributing to its improvement.


Part 1. Background
Chapter 1. Introduction
            The Philosopher and the Scientist
            My Story
            How Is Predatory Publishing Damaging?
            The Fraught Language of “Predatory Publishing”
            A Mutable, Wicked Problem
            Book Overview
Chapter 2. Predatory Publishing’s History and Open Access
            Section A: Early Awareness of Predatory Publishing and the Rise of Beall’s List
            Section B: Open Access: A Brief History and Overview
            Section C: Article Processing Charges (APCs)
Chapter 3. Shortcuts and Shortcomings: Neoliberalism and Its Effects
            Section A: Neoliberalism and the Commons
            Section B: Scholarly Evaluation
            Section C: Overview of Research Misconduct and Unethical Scholarship
Part 2. Characteristics and Research
Chapter 4. Predatory Publishing Characteristics in Detail
            Section A: OMICS Case Study
            Section B: Detailed Characteristics of Predatory Journals
            Section C: Books and Conferences
            Section D: Hijacked Journals
            Conclusional Caveats
Chapter 5. The Research on Publishers and Authors
            Challenges and Lacunae in the Research
            Section A: Research on Predatory Publishers and Journals
            Section B: Research on Authors
Chapter 6. The Research on Editors, Evaluators, Spam, Indexing, Citation, and Bibliometrics
            Section A: Research on Editors
            Section B: Institutional Evaluation and External Funders
            Section C: Spam Messages and Rhetorical Style
            Section D: Indexing, Citation Rates, and Bibliometrics
Part 3. The Geopolitics of Scholarly Publishing
Chapter 7. The Global South, the Bohannon Sting, and Predatory Publishing
            Section A: Introduction to the Global South and Epistemic Injustice
            Section B: English as the Lingua Franca of Academic Publishing
            Section C: The Bohannon Sting
            Section D: Predatory Publishing and the Global South
Chapter 8. India, Sub-Saharan Africa, and China
            Section A: India
            Section B: Sub-Saharan Africa
            Section C: China
Chapter 9. Other Countries, the Geopolitics of Predatory Publishing, and Solutions from the South
            Section A: Other Countries
            Section B: The Politics of the Global South and Predatory Publishing
            Section C: Solutions to Predatory Publishing in the South
Part 4. Responses and Solutions
Chapter 10. Responses and Solutions to Predatory Publishing from the Scholarly Community
            Section A: More about Journal Lists
            Section B: Guidelines from Publisher- and Editor-Focused Organizations
            Section C: Open Peer Review (OPR) and Open Science
            Section D: Other Solutions
Chapter 11. Librarians and Pedagogical Solutions to Predatory Publishing: Scholarly Information Literacy and Publication Quality
            Section A: Scholarly Information Literacy and Publication Quality
            Section B: Self-Teaching Tools
            Section C: Dispelling Misconceptions and Opening Conversations
Chapter 12. Librarians and Pedagogical Solutions to Predatory Publishing: Teaching Scholars from Undergraduates to Faculty
            Section A: Language and Models
            Section B: Intersections: Teaching Undergraduates
            Section C: Graduate Students: The Scholars of Tomorrow and Today
            Section D: Workshops for Faculty
            Section E: Consultations

Appendix: Additional Resources
List of Abbreviations
About the Author

Monica Berger

Monica Berger, Instruction and Scholarly Communications Librarian and Professor, Library, New York City College of Technology, City University of New York, has published and presented on topics related to scholarly publishing including predatory publishing, bibliodiversity, and open access. At her campus, she supports faculty scholarship by teaching workshops as well as providing consultations. An ardent proponent of open access, she also manages her campus institutional repository, CUNY Academic Works.