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- Description
- Table of Contents
- About the author
Foreword by Philip E. Schreur; Preface by Carlo Bianchini and Maurizio Vivarelli; Introduction by Mauro Guerrini; Translated by Jonnel Licari
This book is aimed at library and information professionals who are interested in broadening their knowledge of cataloging.
Combining theory and practical knowledge, this guide aims to improve the principles of the third generation of cataloging and, more widely, to contribute to the shift of paradigm related to the emerging bibliographic ecosystem. The concepts, practices, and benefits discussed are transversal and international, offering readers the opportunity to create a new level of international cooperation which will enable them to share responsibility for the quality and maintenance of knowledge and information. Readers will learn the importance of adopting new methods to remain relevant in modern and international settings, which will empower them to approach and apply entity modelling with greater confidence.
Foreword by Philip E. Schreur
Preface by Maurizio Vivarelli
Preface by Carlo Bianchini
Introduction by Mauro Guerrini
The Context
I. I Contain Multitudes
- Introduction
- Questions to resolve
- Entity and Identity
- Diachronic and synchronic identities in the bibliographic universe
- Conclusions on the concepts of entity and identity
II. The World is My Representation
- Introduction
- On the record: the declaration of a new course to adapt to the language of the web
- What is a real world object?
- Entity resolution and entity modelling
- Conclusions on the transition from record to entity modeling
- Introduction
- The entity as a prism
- Grasping things in their changing
- Examples of emerging entities in the field of cataloguing
- Transience of intrinsic properties, persistence of relational properties
- Conclusions
- Introduction
- The Agent in the cataloguing tradition
- The treatment of popes in the cataloguing tradition
- Conclusions on entity modeling and the significance of changing collective mindsets
Final Reflections
Tiziana Possemato
Tiziana Possemato is the Chief Information Officer of Casalini Libri, and Partner and Director of @Cult. She holds a degree in Philosophy (University La Sapienza Rome), diplomas in Archival Science and Library Sciences (Vatican Schools) and a Master’s degree in Archival, Librarianship and Codicology (University of Florence). She earned her PhD in Library Sciences at the University of Florence with the project entitled "Another Brick in the Wall: Building Bridges of Knowledge in the Digital Age." Tiziana is a metadata specialist, and she has led numerous national and international projects for library automation, analysis, mapping and conversion of catalog data, and the design of information retrieval systems, with a specific interest in Linked Open Data and the Semantic Web. She currently chairs the IFLA Study Group on the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records.