Tiziana Possemato
Tiziana Possemato is the Chief Information Officer of Casalini Libri, and Partner and Director of @Cult. She holds a degree in Philosophy (University La Sapienza Rome), diplomas in Archival Science and Library Sciences (Vatican Schools) and a Master’s degree in Archival, Librarianship and Codicology (University of Florence). She earned her PhD in Library Sciences at the University of Florence with the project entitled "Another Brick in the Wall: Building Bridges of Knowledge in the Digital Age." Tiziana is a metadata specialist, and she has led numerous national and international projects for library automation, analysis, mapping and conversion of catalog data, and the design of information retrieval systems, with a specific interest in Linked Open Data and the Semantic Web. She currently chairs the IFLA Study Group on the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records.