Sudden Selector's Guide to Geography and GIS—eEditions PDF e-book
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- Description
- Table of Contents
- About the authors
What does the field of geography encompass? What are the intersections between geography and geographic information systems (GIS) librarianship? How many types of maps are there, and how are they acquired, accessed, or manipulated? This volume provides a wide range of contextual and background information, from snapshots of current research in geography to descriptions of the tools used by those active in GIS. Learn about the interdisciplinary connections that stem from geography/GIS work, from political science to environmental studies to digital humanities. Lists of must-have reference sources, core journals, and professional development tools will be helpful to those working in reference, collections, or instructional capacities with geography or GIS-based users.
Chapter 1
What is Geography?
Chapter 2
Geography as a Discipline
Chapter 3
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Chapter 4
Major Reference and Map Resources
Chapter 5
Journals, Databases, and Further Resources in Geography and GIS
Chapter 6
Building Expertise in Geography and GIS
Chapter 7
Carl P. Olson
Carl P. Olson has fourteen years’ experience as Librarian for Geography & Environmental Planning for the Albert S. Cook Library at Towson University in Towson, Maryland. He has presented on GIS in Libraries at local GIS conferences and for the Maryland Library Association. He provides collection development in geography, as well as reference service and bibliographic instruction to geography students and maintains the geography LibGuides. He is a member of the library task force for Cook Library’s Data Studio, and he has organized annual OpenStreetMap mapathon events at Cook Library.
Kim M. Ricker
Kim M. Ricker is the head of the GIS/Data Center at Rice University’s Fondren Library. She started her career in marketing for an academic publisher before transitioning to librarianship. Ricker has worked in academic libraries since 2004, winning Library Journal’s Movers & Shakers Award in 2007 and Rice University’s Shapiro Staff Innovation Award in 2016. She holds an MLS and a GISP (Geographic Information Systems Professional) certification.