Sudden Position Guide to Acquisitions—eEditions PDF e-book

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  • Description
  • Table of Contents
  • About the authors

Series Editor: Susan E. Thomas

Library acquisitions work requires knowledge and competency in a variety of areas, including traditional collection development, e-book acquisitions, print monograph, streaming media, and serials acquisitions, familiarity with scholarly communications and open education, licensing electronic resources, negotiating with vendors, cataloging, and working with library systems. The work is challenging and constantly evolving, and librarians new to acquisitions will need a wide range of skill sets to perform their responsibilities well in this position. Budgeting and accounting, managing purchase orders and invoices, evaluating usage statistics, submitting fiscal reports, supervising employees, and communicating effectively are just some of the necessary skills needed to work in acquisitions. This Sudden Position Guide to Acquisitions will provide the librarian who is just starting out in the field with all the best practices, tools of the trade, advice, and background knowledge needed to succeed in their new position.


One What You Absolutely Need to Know 
Two Standards and Best Practices for Acquisitions 
Three Things You Might Encounter 
Four Tools of the Trade 
Five Relevant Resources 
Six Conclusion 


Deborah Hathaway

Deborah Hathaway is the Acquisitions and Collection Development Librarian for the University of Dallas. Deborah has fourteen years of experience working in acquisitions for the University of Dallas. She holds a BS in Human Relations and Business (Amberton University) and a Master’s in Library Science (Texas Woman’s University).

Paul Kelsey

Paul Kelsey is the Head of Acquisitions at Sims Memorial Library at Southeastern Louisiana University (2012-present). He previously served as the Agriculture Librarian and Social Sciences and Humanities Collection Development Coordinator for the LSU Libraries and Circulation Librarian for Penrose Library at Whitman College. He also has a number of years of experience working in public libraries. Paul recently served as co-chair of the former ALCTS Collection Management Section (CMS) Publications Committee and has past service on several other ALA and USAIN (United States Agricultural Information Network) committees. Paul holds a BA in Religion from The Colorado College, and his Master’s in Library and Information Science from the University of Texas at Austin.

Stacey Marien

Stacey Marien has been the Acquisitions Librarian at American University in Washington, DC for over ten years. Prior to that position, she served as the Business Librarian at American for ten years and the Business Librarian at Elon University (formerly Elon College) for three years. Stacey holds a BA in Humanistic Studies (McGill University, Montreal, PQ, Canada), a Master’s in Business Administration (University of Massachusetts, Boston), and a Master’s of Science in Library Science (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill).

Susan E. Thomas

Susan E. Thomas is the interim dean of library services at Indiana University South Bend. Susan has thirty years of experience working in academic libraries. Prior to positions at IU South Bend, Susan has served as the facilitator for reference services and archivist at Valdosta State University (Georgia), the assistant head of the Regents Center Library and bibliographer for social welfare at the University of Kansas/Edwards Campus, and as a medical reference librarian at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center Library. She is currently serving as the chair of the Core Publications Committee.