Pre- and Post-Retirement Tips for Librarians

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  • Description
  • Table of Contents
  • About the author

Retirement holds many questions for librarians. Smallwood's volume offers insight, inspiration, and tips for those already retired as well as those thinking about retiring. A raft of veteran librarians, financial advisors, and other experts address

  • Planning for retirement, and how to leave things in good shape for those continuing your work
  • The pros and cons of taking early retirement, including financial considerations
  • How to stay connected to the profession after leaving the job by engaging in part-time work and through professional related activities
  • Second careers, community volunteering, travel, staying healthy, budgeting, and other post-retirement activities and concerns

This book helps librarians navigate a smooth passage into retirement.


Part I: Before Retiring
1. Exploring Your Retirement Options


Linda Burkey Wade

2. Four Steps to a Better Retirement



Brett Hammond

3. How to Retire Graciously



Susan Carol Curzon

4. Social Security for Pre-Retirees: Basic Elements and Helpful Tips



Donald G. Frank

Part II: Finances in Retirement
5. Your Income in Retirement: Steps to a Solid Spending Plan



Maria A. Bruno, CFP®

6. Investment Strategies for Fiscally Challenged Librarians



James B. Casey

7. Learning to Be Frugal: Finding the Best Deals to Maintain an Active Lifestyle



Rose Parkman Marshall

8. Maintaining, Repairing, and Protecting Your Credit after Retirement



Jennifer Boxen

Part III: Exploring New Roads
9. Following Your Passion: A Dream Deferred



Dahlma Llanos-Figueroa

10. Going Back to School



Louise F. Benke

11. Participating in Oral Histories or Donating Papers to Archives



Dorothea J. Coiffe

Part IV: Working after Retiring
12. Choosing to Go Back to Work



Sharon Nottingham

13. Collecting and Selling on Ebay: A Great Career for Retired Librarians



Jennifer Tang

14. Working Part-Time after Retirement



Rita Marsales

Part V: Volunteering after Retirement
15. "I Thought You Retired!": Volunteering in Your Library



Mary Redmond

16. Volunteering in Retirement



Renee B. Bush

17. My Experience Volunteering with VSO in Ethiopia



Shirley Lewis

Part VI: Health
18. Seven Lessons for Adjusting to Retirement



Janet Husband

19. What About Health Insurance in Retirement?



Sandra Cortese

Part VII: Financial Planning
20. The Logistics of Downsizing



Patricia H. Atwood

21. Mediation as a Tool in Legacies and Financial Planning: A Play in Three Acts



Carolyn J. Rodis and Steven Henick

22. The Single Biggest Money Mistake Retirees Make



Brian Fricke, CFP®

Part VIII: Location after Retirement
23. On the Move—Relocating When You Retire



Susan Montgomery

24. Finding the Perfect Place to Retire



Jeanne Munn Bracken





Carol Smallwood

Carol Smallwood received her MLS from Western Michigan University and her MA in history from Eastern Michigan University. She is the author or editor of numerous books for Scarecrow, McFarland, Libraries Unlimited, Pudding House Publications, Peter Lang, and others. Some other credits include The Writer's Chronicle, Journal of Formal Poetry, Detroit News, Instructor, English Journal, and Michigan Feminist Studies. Her novel, Lily's Odyssey, appeared in 2010; she coedited the anthology Contemporary American Women: Our Defining Passages (2009), and she has a short story in Best New Writing 2010. A 2009 National Federation of State Poetry Societies Award Winner and a finalist for the 2009 Eric Hoffer Award for prose, she has experience in school, public, and special libraries and has served as a library consultant. Smallwood appears in Contemporary Authors, Who's Who in America, and is a member of the American Library Association. She received the Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award in 2019.