Outstanding Books for the College Bound: Titles and Programs for a New Generation--eEditions e-book
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- Description
- Table of Contents
- About the authors
- Reviews
Connecting teens to books they'll truly enjoy is the aim of every young adult librarian, and the completely revamped guide Outstanding Books for the College Bound will give teen services staff the leg up they need to make it happen. Listing over 400 books deemed outstanding for the college bound by the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA), this indispensable resource
- Examines how the previous lists in the series were developed, and explains the book's new layout
- Features engaging, helpful book descriptions useful for readers' advisory
- Offers programming tips and other ideas for ways the lists can be used at schools and public libraries
- Includes indexes searchable by topic, year, title, and author
More than simply a vital collection development tool, this book can help librarians help young adults grow into the kind of independent readers and thinkers who will flourish at college.
Introduction Angela Carstensen
Part I Developing and Using the Lists
Chapter 1 Forty Years of Outstanding Books: Origin, History, and Committee Processes, by Paula Brehm-Heeger
Chapter 2 Outstanding Books and Public Libraries: The List as Merchandising Tool, by Mary Arnold
Chapter 3 Outstanding Books in School Libraries: Curriculum Connections and Readers' Advisory, by Priscille Dando
Chapter 4 Outstanding Books in an Academic Setting, by Judith Walker
Chapter 5 Outstanding Books for Nontraditional Students and Lifelong Learners, by Penny Johnson
Part II The Annotations, revised and expanded by Angela Carstensen
Chapter 6 Outstanding Books for the College Bound and Lifelong Learners, 1999
Chapter 7 Outstanding Books for the College Bound and Lifelong Learners, 2004
Chapter 8 Outstanding Books for the College Bound and Lifelong Learners, 2009
Chapter 9 Outstanding Books for the College Bound and Lifelong Learners, by Genre, 1999–2009
Appendix Outstanding Books for the College Bound and Lifelong Learners Policies and Procedures
Angela Carstensen
Angela Carstensen has served as a school librarian since 2000. Currently, she is Director of Library and Information Services at Sacred Heart Greenwich, a private K-12 girl’s school in Connecticut. She is author of Outstanding Books for the College Bound: Titles and Programs for a New Generation (ALA Editions, 2011), and former editor of School Library Journal’s Adult Books 4 Teens blog. Angela has chaired YALSA’s Michael L. Printz Award, Alex Award, and Award for Excellence in Nonfiction for Young Adult committees.
Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA)
The Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA) is a national association of librarians, library workers and advocates whose mission is to expand and strengthen library services for teens, aged 12-18. Through its member-driven advocacy, research, and professional development initiatives, YALSA builds the capacity of libraries and library staff to engage, serve and empower teens.
"The ideas presented are practical and simple to implement, requiring no expenditures other than reproducing the list as a handout ... Teachers and librarians who work with teens and adults in high school, academic, or public libraries will find this book a useful tool to acquaint readers with quality titles to expand their horizons."
--Catholic Library World
"Highly recommended."
--Collection Management