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- Description
- Table of Contents
- About the authors
- Reviews
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In their earlier book Metaliteracy, the authors offered an original framework for engaging learners as reflective and collaborative participants in today's complex information environments. Now, they move that comprehensive structure for information literacy firmly into real-world practice, highlighting the groundbreaking work of librarians and faculty who are already applying the metaliteracy model in distinctive teaching and learning settings. Representing multiple disciplines from a range of educational institutions, this book explores
- relationships among metaliteracy, digital literacy, and multimodal literacy;
- incorporating the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education;
- the metaliteracy model and emerging technologies;
- flexible course design and social media;
- students as creators of information;
- application of metaliteracy in specialized environments, such as nursing education;
- metaliteracy and institutional repositories;
- LibGuides as a student information creation tool;
- the metacognitive dimension of research-based learning;
- metaliteracy as empowerment in undergraduate learning outcomes;
- agency and the metaliterate learner; and
- metaliteracy, agency, and praxis.
The case studies presented in this valuable resource demonstrate how librarians and educators can help students effectively communicate, create, and share information in today's participatory digital environments.
List of Figures and Tables
Foreword, by Alison J. Head
Chapter 1 Revising for Metaliteracy: Flexible Course Design to Support Social Media Pedagogy
Donna Witek and Teresa Grettano
Chapter 2 The Politics of Information: Students as Creators in a Metaliteracy Context
Lauren Wallis and Andrew Battista
Chapter 3 Metaliteracy Learning of RN to BSN Students: A Fusion of Disciplinary Values and Discourses
Barbara J. D'Angelo and Barry M. Maid
Chapter 4 Where Collections and Metaliteracy Meet: Incorporating Library-Owned Platforms into Open and Collaborative Library Instruction
Amanda Scull
Chapter 5 Empowering Learners to Become Metaliterate in a Digital and Multimodal Age
Sandra K. Cimbricz and Logan Rath
Chapter 6 Metacognition Meets Research-Based Learning in the Undergraduate Renaissance Drama Classroom
Michele R. Santamaria and Kathryn M. Moncrief
Chapter 7 Promoting Empowerment through Metaliteracy: A Case Study of Undergraduate Learning Outcomes
Kristine N. Stewart and David M. Broussard
Chapter 8 Developing Agency in Metaliterate Learners: Empowerment through Digital Identity and Participation
Irene McGarrity
Chapter 9 Metaliteracy, Networks, Agency, and Praxis: An Exploration
Paul Prinsloo
About the Editors and Contributors
Trudi E. Jacobson
Trudi E. Jacobson, MLS, MA, Distinguished Librarian, was the Head of the Information Literacy Department at the University at Albany for many years, retiring in 2022. In 2021, she was appointed an Extraordinary Professor in the Self-Directed Learning Research Unit of the Faculty of Education, North-West University in Potchefstroom, South Africa. She has been deeply involved with teaching and information literacy throughout her career, and from 2013–2015 cochaired the Association of College and Research Libraries Task Force that created the Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education. With Prof. Thomas P. Mackey, she codeveloped metaliteracy. Her most recent work focuses on open pedagogy and how the students’ learning experience can be enhanced in such settings by metaliteracy. She regularly teaches an information literacy course for upper-level undergraduates that uses editing in Wikipedia as a way to understand core concepts from metaliteracy and information literacy, as well as an information literacy instruction graduate course, and has taught a first-year experience course in which students created an OER for other first-year students ( She is the coauthor or coeditor of fourteen books, including three about metaliteracy, and numerous scholarly articles and book chapters. Prof. Jacobson received the ACRL Miriam Dudley Instruction Librarian Award in 2009. Her website is
Thomas P. Mackey
Thomas P. Mackey, Ph.D., is Professor of Arts and Media in the School of Arts and Humanities at State University of New York (SUNY) Empire State College. His research into metaliteracy, a pedagogical framework he originated with Prof. Trudi E. Jacobson develops learners as reflective, informed, and self-directed producers of information. They both lead the Metaliteracy Learning Collaborative to advance metaliteracy research, writing, teaching, grant projects, open educational resources (OER), and the design of innovative learning environments. He and Prof. Jacobson have both been invited to keynote on metaliteracy in the United States and internationally. They provide updates on their research through their collaborative blog at Prof. Mackey served as Associate Dean and Dean of the Center for Distance Learning (CDL), and in senior management roles as Vice Provost for Academic Programs and Interim Provost. He teaches courses in History & Theory of New Media, Information Design, Digital Storytelling, and Ethics of Digital Art & Design and has developed several international Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) about metaliteracy. His faculty website is:
"This volume connects with the ACRL 2015 Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education and includes examples of how academic librarians and teaching faculty have used the concept of metaliteracy in real life … Paul Prinsloo's concluding essay suggests visualizing metaliteracy less as a collection of skills and more as a ‘boundary activity' that allows people to understand and be agents within their world. It is a healthy perspective for all who feel that literacies are spinning out of our control, a realization that we're all part of this maelstrom of change, and what we need to ride the whirlwind will be constantly changing."
— Catholic Library World
"A valuable contribution to the literature of library and information science and explores many of the salient questions and concerns of instruction librarians and other educators, including how we may help students explore the more complex, conceptual dimensions of information literacy, such as the social, political, and ethical dimensions of information creation, distribution, and use. The book's collected chapters may serve as catalysts for librarians to reexamine their work with students and to consider ways in which they may partner with other educators to integrate information literacy (including metaliteracy) into academic programs and curricula."
— Communications in Information Literacy
"A timely publication—first, because the notion of metaliteracy has captured the attention of many academics, and second, because metaliteracy learning goals dovetail with the new ACRL Framework for Information Literacy in Higher Education. This book can be a source for inspiration and practical ideas to refresh the information literacy program of any academic library."
"An important read for any librarian or faculty who have teaching roles, or who play a role in the production of content that students interact with. The practical applications of metaliteracy described in this book will be incredibly useful for anyone developing assignments and evaluation frameworks to be used in teaching across disciplines, whether they are starting to plan a new course from scratch, or simply want to rework an existing course to better teach and evaluate for metaliteracy skills."
— College & Research Libraries