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  • Description
  • Table of Contents
  • About the author
  • Reviews

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Foreword by Michelle Ciulla Lipkin, Executive Director, National Association for Media Literacy Education
Preface by Denise E. Agosto

Though media literacy and information literacy are intertwined, there are important differences; and there has never been a more urgent need for an incisive examination of the crucial role librarians and other educators can play in teaching the skills necessary to access, analyze, evaluate, and create media. Media literate youth and adults are better able to understand the complex messages emanating from television, movies, radio, the internet, news outlets, magazines, books, billboards, video games, music, and all other forms of media.  In this book, international expert De Abreu melds advice from a diverse array of practitioners and subject experts with her own research findings to examine how consuming media and technology impacts the learning of K–12 students, tackling such paramount issues as

  • fake news/alternative facts;
  • critical thinking
  • digital literacy and digital citizenship;
  • social inclusion and equity;
  • global interconnectivity; and
  • social justice and advocacy.

Inside, readers will find a wealth of intelligently crafted, ready-to-use lesson plans and activities designed to help promote critical thinking skills for K-12 students, making this a perfect teaching resource for school and public librarians, educators, and literacy instructors. Each group of lesson plans is prefaced by a well-informed and insightful discussion of the concept at hand along with guidance on how to best use the lesson plans, which can be freely adapted to any setting.

List of Illustrations
Foreword to This Edition, by Michelle Ciulla Lipkin
Foreword to the First Edition, by Barry Duncan
Preface, by Denise E. Agosto

Part I: Exploring Media Literacy

Chapter 1    Media Literacy: The Key to Critical Thinking

  • Reflection: Media Education and Critical Thinking: A Multimodal Approach to Flying Saucers and #Fakenews, by Pam Goble, Ryan Goble, Ben Peterselli, and George Wedel

Chapter 2    Media and Information Literacy Crossover (UNESCO)

  • Reflection: Conceptual Convergence of Media and Information Literacy (MIL), by Marcus Leaning

Chapter 3    Fake News and Alternative Facts

  • Reflection: Navigating Information in the Era of Fake News and Alternative Facts, by Kathleen Currie Smith

Chapter 4    Perspective, Perception, and Point of View

  • Reflection: Leading and Learning through Perspective, Perception, and Point of View, by Joanna Marshall

Chapter 5    Digital Citizenship, Privacy, and Digital Leadership

  • Reflection: Digital Citizenship in the Classroom: A Student and Practitioner Perspective, by Marialice B.F.X. Curran and Curran Dee

Chapter 6    Digital Literacy

  • Reflection: Digital Literacy in the Elementary Classroom, by Emily Soler

Chapter 7    Technology as a Tool for Social Inclusion and Transmission

  • Reflection: From Computing to Community, by Ryan Goble, James Hultgren, Michael Roethler, and Nessa Slowinski

Chapter 8    Equity vs. Equality

  • Reflection: Equity and Equality in the Media: Giving Voice to the Voiceless, by Jimmeka Anderson

Chapter 9    Global Connections

  • Reflection: Global Issues in a Global Village, by Neil Andersen

Chapter 10    Social Justice and Advocacy

  • Reflection: Social Justice: Teaching the Ability to Treat Others with Respect, Compassion, and Dignity, by Michael Godbout

Part II: The Major Formats of Media: Ready-to-Teach Lessons

Chapter 11    Providing Media Literacy Education in the Library and Classroom
Chapter 12    Television: From News, Sitcoms, and Dramas to Reality TV
Chapter 13    Movies: Entertainment and Authentic Learning
Chapter 14    Photography and Images: Capturing Moments in Time
Chapter 15    Music and Radio: Table-Turning in the Classroom
Chapter 16    Advertising: Sell and Tell
Chapter 17    Media Production and Other Digital Technologies

Part III: Resources for Teaching Media Literacy

  • Appendix A    Glossary
  • Appendix B    Timeline of Media Literacy Education
  • Appendix C    Movies on the Media
  • Appendix D    Media Literacy Resources

About the Author and Contributors

Belinha S. De Abreu, Ph.D.

Belinha S. De Abreu, PhD. is a global media literacy educator and served as an international expert to the Forum on Media & Information Literacy for UNESCO's Communication & Information Section. Her research interests include media and information literacy education, educational technology, global perspectives, critical thinking, privacy & big data, young adults, and teacher training. Dr. De Abreu is the founder of the International Media Literacy Research Symposium which has been held in the USA and Portugal and the World Media Literacy Forum. She serves as the President of the International Council for Media Literacy (IC4ML) formerly known as National Telemedia Council (NTC). IC4ML also produces The Journal of Media Literacy. Her other publications include Mobile Learning through Digital Media Literacy. She is also the recipient of the 2021 National Association for Media Literacy Education Research Award. For more information, visit

"Presents a way of thinking about becoming media-savvy beyond simply checking sources and relying on authoritative resources ... Includes ready-to-teach lessons that are expertly crafted."
— Education Libraries

"Offers a solid framework for understanding media literacy and its related issues that will be of value to school librarians and teachers new to the concept or who need to make the case for teaching media literacy to skeptical colleagues or parents."
— Against the Grain