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- Description
- Table of Contents
- About the author
- Reviews
Priscilla Caplan, one of the nation's leading systems experts, presents the most comprehensive and clearest descriptions of the various forms of metadata, its applications, and how librarians can put it to work.
Both descriptive and nondescriptive forms of metadata are defined (including the TEI Header, the Dublin Core, EAD, GILS, ONIX, and the Data Documentation Initiative) and applied to actual library functions. Illustrations show how different forms of metadata look, advantages and disadvantages, and where they're best applied in the library.
Geared to librarians who need a solid foundation to understanding and using metadata efficiently, Metadata Fundamentals for All Librarians is the first stop for public and academic librarians, catalogers, and digital and reference librarians in their journey through the metadata landscape.
Chapter 1: Metadata Basics
Chapter 2: Syntax, Creation, and Storage
Chapter 3: Vocabularies, Classification, and Identifiers
Chapter 4: Approaches to Interoperability
Chapter 5: Metadata and the Web
Chapter 6: Library Cataloging
Chapter 7: The TEI Header
Chapter 8: The Dublin Core
Chapter 9: Archival Description and the EAD
Chapter 10: Metadata for Art and Architecture
Chapter 11: GILS and Government Information
Chapter 12: Metadata for Education
Chapter 13: ONIX International
Chapter 14: Metadata for Geospatial and Environmental Resources
Chapter 15: The Data Documentation Initiative
Chapter 16: Administrative Metadata
Chapter 17: Structural Metadata
Chapter 18: Rights Metadata
Priscilla Caplan
Priscilla Caplan is Assistant Director for Digital Library Services at the Florida Center for Library Automation in Gainesville, FL. She was previously Assistant Director for Library Systems at the University of Chicago Library, and Head of the Systems Development Division of the Office for Information Systems in the Harvard University Library. She holds a B.A. from Harvard University and an M.L.S. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She is deeply interested in metadata and standards issues related to digital libraries, and has at various times been chair of the MARBI committee of the U.S. MARC Advisory Group, chair of the National Information Standards Organization (NISO) Standards Development Committee, and a member of the Dublin Core Advisory Committee.
"Metadata Fundamentals for All Librarians, a very well-organized and researched treatise on the topic."
—Library Resources & Technical Services
"Metadata Fundamentals for All Librarians is readable, informative and geared to librarians seeking a solid foundation in understanding the principles of using metadata effectively."
"This is an excellent introduction to metadata, with good examples, timely bibliographies of sources, and very useful glossary of terms an acronyms."
—The Journal of Academic Librarianship
"...provides a solid foundation to understanding and using metadata efficiently. Library professors will want to include it as a primary source for class work and possibly adopt it as a required text. A first purchase where needed."
—Catholic Library World