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- Description
- Table of Contents
- About the authors
- Reviews
Using common conventions and a shared language of tags, subfields, indicators, and codes, MARC 21—the latest code—is a powerful integrated record format packed with information so all librarians can do their work more effectively. But you'll only be as effective using MARC as you are informed about its capabilities. Covering both the big-picture fundamentals and the basics of nuts-and-bolts details, MARC 21 for Everyone is the best and easiest introduction to MARC 21 available.
Packed with self-assessment tools including quizzes, helpful tables, and many examples of tags and subfields, this authoritative manual presents clear and practical guidance to get you up to speed and ready to apply MARC 21 to your catalog records.
Learn more about cataloging with AACR2 & MARC21.
Part I: MARC—The Underlying Fundamentals
Chapter 1: Library Patrons
Chapter 2: The Rules for Bibliographic Information and the Standards for MARC
Chapter 3: MARC21 Records: What are They, Why Do We Need Them, and How Do We Get Them?
Chapter 4: MARC21 and the Computerized Catalogs of Today
Chapter 5: MARC21 Terminology
Chapter 6: MARC21—Who Needs to Know What
Part II: MARC21 Codes You Should Know
Chapter 7: Indexed Fields—Headings
Chapter 8: Display Fields—Bibliographic Description
Chapter 9: Coded Fields
Chapter 10: Number Fields
Chapter 11: Summary
Chapter 12: MARC21 Sample Records
A: Quiz Answers
B: MARC21 Bibliographic Code List
C: List of Initial Articles
Deborah A. Fritz
Deborah A. Fritz is the co-owner of The MARC of Quality, a Florida-based company that provides training, software, and database services to help librarians create better MARC records. Formerly a cataloging trainer at a multitype library consortium and a cataloger at various libraries, she currently teaches an extensive array of cataloging workshops around the United States. She is the author of Cataloging with AACR2 and USMARC: For Books, Computer Files, Serials, Sound Recofrdings and Videorecordings (ALA, 1999). She is co-developer of several MARC processing programs, including MARC Report and MARC Global. Fritz earned her master's degree in library science at the University of Toronto.
Richard J. Fritz
Richard J. Fritz is the other half of The MARC of Quality. Formerly a library systems administrator for a medium-sized school district and, before that, in charge of authority control cleanup at a large bibliographic utility, his professional career has always involved MARC database processing in some capacity. His current work includes designing MARC processing software MARC Report and MARC Global for use by the library community and for in-house processing. He earned his library degree at the University of Toronto and also holds two other master's degrees.
"...provides necessary, basic information, without overwhelming the reader with the level of detail required to actually catalog...clear, concise and written at the level of the general reader."
" in demonstrating the impact of authority work in all areas of user-focused information discovery...this volume is a must for catalogers of all levels, it is also source for all library professionals, teaching us that ‘authority work is important if a library wishes its users to have full access to its collections.'"
—Library Collections Acquisitions & Technical Services