Leading Together: Academic Library Consortia and Advocacy

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  • Description
  • Table of Contents
  • About the author

Academic library consortia have advocacy power. Historically, consortia work with their members to create plans and tools around material purchasing and sharing, advancing the use of open educational resources with your faculty, and many more important issues where the group influence and expertise can be leveraged. Advocating for the library within your institution, with stakeholders, and across the system in a unified way is an evolving focus of consortia member leadership.

Leading Together: Academic Library Consortia and Advocacy aims to fill the gap in LIS literature of models of consortia advocacy plans, actions, and assessments. It provides a look at the current landscape of consortia work, a consortium and other groups’ advocacy frameworks, a workshop curriculum which may be used to develop an advocacy plan, and thoughts for the future.

There is strength in a consortium voice—it provides the opportunity to lead together under a unified plan, and reinforces the concept that each library contributes to the consistent messaging needed to influence and persuade for the agreed-upon goals of the consortium. Leading Together provides tools for staff at academic libraries that belong to consortia, consortia staff, and those interested in advocacy work.


Chapter 1. Historical Overview of Academic Libraries from Cooperation to Consortia
The Foundations of Library Cooperation
The 1972 Landmark Directory of Academic Library Consortia
The 1990s: Evolving Technology and the End of a Millennium
The Twenty-First Century

Chapter 2. Shape of the Exploration
Questions to be Studied
Literature Review of Academic Library Consortia and Advocacy
Marketing is Not the Same as Advocacy
Theoretical Frameworks
Advocacy Coalition Framework
Theoretical Framework for Leadership and Advocacy
Methodology Used to Gather Information

Chapter 3. Advocacy Work in Action
ACRL Oregon Chapter and ILA
Patterns for Advocacy

Chapter 4. The Landscape of Academic Library Consortia Advocacy Activity
The General Landscape from the Directory
Current Consortia with Advocacy Activity
Previously Mentioned
United States Consortia
Canadian Consortia
Models to Examine

Chapter 5. The Story: Creating a Consortium Advocacy Plan
The Proposal
Discovery: Pre-Workshop Preparation
Delivery: The Workshop
Denouement: Post-Workshop Follow-Up
The Outcome

Chapter 6. An Outline of a Consortium Advocacy Plan
Pre-Workshop Tasks
The Workshop
Introductory Activities
Day One of the Workshop
Day Two of the Workshop
Day Three of the Workshop

Chapter 7. Academic Library Consortia Advocacy is Needed
Effectiveness of Advocacy Work and the Workshop
Implications for Those Who Wish to Engage in This Work
Advice for Consortia
Areas for Future Investigation
Final Thoughts


Appendix A. Advocacy Plan Creation Workshop Curriculum

  • The Curriculum Outline
  • Pre-Workshop Readings
  • Community Building Examples
  • Links for Advocacy Resources
  • Workshop Exercises
  • Project Management

Irene M. H. Herold

Irene M.H. Herold is Dean of Libraries and University Librarian, VCU Libraries, Virginia Commonwealth University; a past ACRL President; and formerly the Librarian of the College at The College of Wooster in Ohio and university librarian at the University of Hawai'i at Manoa.  She also served as the dean of the library at Keene State College and as the library director at Daniel Webster College, both in New Hampshire. Her Ph.D. from Simmons University focused on leadership development. Her MLS is from the University of Washington and she has an MA in history from Western Illinois University. She was a contributing author and compiling editor for her first book, Creating Leaders: An Examination of Academic and Research Library Leadership Institutes.