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- Description
- Table of Contents
- About the authors
Many academic institutions count internationalization among their most important strategic goals and priorities: To be competitive, colleges and universities need to produce globally conscious graduates and assert their influence in areas of research and funding. As the center of campus life, academic libraries are integral partners to their institutions’ missions and goals and are deeply involved in all aspects of the globalization efforts on their campuses. Libraries continue to develop innovative approaches to welcoming and educating diverse student bodies and supporting faculty research and teaching, and are delving into new areas and crafting programs that utilize new approaches, technologies, and pedagogies.
In five sections—Information Literacy; Outreach & Inclusion; Collections & Digital Humanities; Establishing Libraries & Services Abroad; and Career & Professional Development—The Globalized Library collects chapters from practitioners across North America detailing how their work has become globalized and demonstrating new ways to address language and cultural differences, the international purchase and processing of materials, professional development and growth of librarians, and information literacy needs of students from all over the world. It explores ways to provide support to students studying abroad, create online teaching tools, establish American-style libraries at satellite campuses, and leverage campus partnerships to create specifically designed programs and learning opportunities for international students, making a huge difference in the success and retention of a diverse student body.
Academic institutions have an obligation to help all students succeed academically and become information-literate citizens of the world. The needs and stresses of globalization on American campuses will only continue to grow following the trends of American society. The Globalized Library provides new and innovative ideas to those who are embarking on some of these services and hopes to begin a broader national conversation on this work among library professionals.
Table of Contents
Introduction. The Globalized Library: American Academic Libraries and International Students, Collections, and Practices
Section I. Information Literacy
Chapter one. Academic Librarians at the Forefront of IL Efforts with International Students in Higher Education
Ahmed Alwan, Joy M. Doan, and Eric P. Garcia
Chapter two. Unlocking the Door: Adapting Information Literacy Instruction for International Students
Susan Avery and Kirsten Feist
Chapter three. Language and Information Literacy: A Case Study of Library Orientation Taught in the Chinese Language
Liangyu Fu and Gabriel Duque
Chapter four. The Information-Fluent English Language Learner: Cultural and Pedagogical Considerations
Megan Hodge
Chapter five. Globalizing Library Instruction: Engaging Students at International Branch Campuses
Claudia McGivney, Laura Costello, and Janet Clarke
Chapter six. Acculturating International Students to the Ethical Use of Information and American Values: A Case Study
Cheryl A. Riley and Marian G. Davis
Chapter seven. A Full Range of Support for Improving International Students’ Experience in Higher Education: A Case Study from the University of Minnesota Libraries
Yao Chen and Kristen Mastel
Section II. Outreach & Inclusion
Chapter eight. Faraway Flix: Connecting to International Students through Film
Laura Bohuski
Chapter nine. Forging Multiple Pathways: Integrating International Students into a Canadian University Library
Karen Bordonaro
Chapter ten. International Undergraduate Students and a Sense of Belonging: A Case Study at Penn State University Libraries
Alia Gant, Dawn Amsberry, Chao Su, Lana Munip, and Steve Borrelli
Chapter eleven. International Student Perceptions of Libraries: Experiences from the Middle East and North Africa
Kristine N. Stewart and Kenneth C. Haggerty
Chapter twelve. Applying an Instructional Design Approach to International Student Outreach
Kimberly Davies Hoffman and Kathy Leezin Wu
Chapter thirteen. Developing Effective Integration Services: Learning from Asian International Graduate Students Academic-Striving Experiences
Yi-Chin Sarah Wu
Section III. Collections & Digital Humanities
Chapter fourteen. Local, Global, Digital?: Digital Humanities and Slavic Area Studies
Megan Browndorf and Erin Pappas
Chapter fifteen. Collection Development and Acquisitions for International and Area Studies Collections in Academic and Research Libraries
Osman Celik
Chapter sixteen. Leveraging Local Networks and International Partnerships in Japanese Collection Development
Molly Des Jardin and Michael P. Williams
Chapter seventeen. Collections at Work: Forming Global Citizens through Outreach and Engagement
José O. Díaz and Pamela Espinosa de los Monteros
Chapter eighteen. Shared Global Heritage in Research Libraries
Margarita Vargas-Betancourt, E. Haven Hawley, and Rebecca J.W. Jefferson
Chapter nineteen. Leveraging Connections to Build and Promote International Special Collections: A Case Study
Mary Jo Zeter and Deborah J. Margolis
Chapter twenty. International Collaborations at the Immigration History Research Center Archives (IHRCA)
Daniel Necas
Chapter twenty-one. Toward a Comprehensive Collection on the Allied Occupation of Japan: A Partnership between the University of Maryland Libraries and the National Diet Library of Japan
Yukako Tatsumi
Section IV. Establishing Libraries & Services Abroad
Chapter twenty-two. International Collaborations: Development of the Duke Kunshan University Library
Linda Daniel
Chapter twenty-three. African Poetry Libraries—A Global Collaboration
Lorna Dawes and Charlene Maxey-Harris
Chapter twenty-four. Undergraduate Education Abroad in Community Settings: Pedagogical Opportunities for Librarians
Laurie Kutner
Chapter twenty-five. Successful American-Russian Partnership Through Education Abroad
Yelena Luckert and Lindsay Inge Carpenter
Chapter twenty-six. Serving Students Across the Globe: Establishing Library Outreach and Instructional Services for an International-US Dual-Degree Program
Mary K. Oberlies
Chapter twenty-seven. Globalized Collecting: Building special collections at NYUAD
Nicholas Martin and Justin Parrott
Section V. Career & Professional Development
Chapter twenty-eight. International Academic Librarianship: Meeting Our Professional, Institutional, and Personal Goals
John Boyd and Elizabeth Cramer
Chapter twenty-nine. Virtual Peer-Mentoring Programs: Building Global Professional Connections Through the International Librarians Network
Kelsey Corlett-Rivera and Pirjo Kangas
Chapter thirty. Myanmar Librarians’ Research and Study Tour at the Rutgers University Libraries: A Report
Triveni Kuchi
Chapter thirty-one. From Visitors to Friends
Margaret Law
Chapter thirty-two. The Horner Fellowship: An Exchange Program for Arizona and Japan Library Personnel
Jeanne L. Pfander, Alexandra Humphreys, and Smita Joshipura
Chapter thirty-three. Internationalization and Global Engagement in LIS Education: Programs for International Master’s Students at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Libraries
Shana R. Ponelis, Ewa Barczyk, and Johannes J. Britz
Author Biographies
Yelena Luckert
Yelena Luckert is the director of research & learning at the University of Maryland Libraries. In this role, she provides leadership for the library’s subject-liaison services, general reference, instructional services, and the development of Research Commons. She is also a subject liaison librarian for Jewish and Slavic studies and has served in this role since she first started at the University. During this time, she has been very fortunate in building extensive Judaic and Slavic collections for the Libraries, deep ties with faculty and departments, and a unique exchange program with partners in Russia, including several study abroad classes to St. Petersburg. Ms. Luckert has been very active in the professional service to her library, university and nationally, and has presented and published on topics related to area studies librarianship and library administration.
Lindsay Inge Carpenter
Lindsay Inge Carpenter is the pedagogy librarian at the University of Maryland, College Park, where she supports undergraduate research and provides leadership in the areas of online learning and open educational resources. She also co-directs the UMD Libraries Research & Teaching Fellowship, a three-semester teacher training program for MLIS graduate students. Lindsay’s research interests include international librarianship, mentorship, critical librarianship, and critical pedagogies.