G. Edward Evans

G. Edward Evans, PhD, is a semi-retired, award-winning author and Fulbright Scholar. He holds several graduate degrees in anthropology and library and information science (LIS). Throughout his career, he has been an administrator, researcher, teacher, and writer. As a researcher, he has published in both anthropology and librarianship. He held a Fulbright Fellowship in librarianship as well as a National Science Foundation Fellowship in archaeology. His teaching experience has also been in both fields in the United States and the Nordic countries. Of note, he completed the faculty ladder (assistant to full professor) while teaching at the Graduate School of Librarianship and Information Science at the University of California, Los Angeles. Evans has extensive administrative experience in private academic libraries such as Harvard University and Loyola Marymount University. He retired from full-time work as associate academic vice president for libraries and information resources at Loyola Marymount University. Evans spends his semi-retirement years volunteering at the Museum of Northern Arizona, serving on the Foundation board for the Flagstaff City– Coconino County Library System, and doing professional writing.

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Academic Librarianship, Second Edition
Management Basics for Information Professionals, Fourth Edition
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Academic Librarianship, Second Edition—eEditions PDF e-book
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Management Basics for Information Professionals, Fourth Edition—eEditions PDF e-book