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- Description
- Table of Contents
- About the authors
Many librarians struggle with the best methods, activities, and practices for teaching information literacy. Developing learning outcomes and activities, overcoming student and faculty apathy toward information literacy instruction, and meeting instructional and institutional goals can be difficult if you’re feeling overwhelmed with instructional jargon, or uncertain in your teaching due to no formal training.
Framing Information Literacy: Teaching Grounded in Theory, Pedagogy, and Practice is a collection of lesson plans grounded in theory and the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education. 52 chapters over six volumes provide approachable explanations of the ACRL Frames, various learning theory, pedagogy, and instructional strategies, and how they are used to inform the development of information literacy lesson plans and learning activities. Each volume explores one frame, in which chapters are grouped by broad disciplinary focus: social sciences, arts and humanities, science and engineering, and multidisciplinary. Every chapter starts with a discussion about how the author(s) created the lesson, any partnerships they nurtured, and an explanation of the frame and methodology and how it relates to the development of the lesson, and provides information about technology needs, pre-instruction work, learning outcomes, essential and optional learning activities, how the lesson can be modified to accommodate different classroom setups and time frames, and assessment.
The six volumes of Framing Information Literacy aim to address the teaching anxiety and insecurity librarians often experience by offering narratives with the lesson plans that provide insight into the work involved in developing a polished lesson plan; begin filling the teaching and learning knowledge gap for librarians in the context of information literacy, capturing the knowledge and practice of fifty-eight teacher librarians and five teaching faculty from forty-one institutions for others to incorporate and build upon; and to explore how teacher librarians use the ACRL Framework in conjunction with educational theory and pedagogy to help readers form their own approaches to teaching information literacy.
Each volume contains the table of contents and index for the entire set, as well as an overarching introduction and conclusion, for easy cross-referencing across volumes. Explore your favorite frame, or collect them all!
Mary K. Oberlies and Janna Mattson, MLS
Volume 1. Research as Inquiry
Chapter 1. Using Student Curiosity to Generate Compelling Research Questions
Jannette L. Finch and Jolanda-Pieta van Arnhem, College of Charleston
Chapter 2. A Bird’s Eye View of the Research Process: Developing Students’ Attention to Research Practices, Iterations, and Inquiry
Jennifer Jarson, Pennsylvania State University-Leigh Valley
Chapter 3. Change is Hard: Using Conceptual Change Theory to Promote “Research as Inquiry”
Kimberly Miller, Towson University
Chapter 4. TOPIC Generation and Teaching Research as Inquiry
Katie Hassman and Benjamin Hassman, University of Iowa
Chapter 5. Patch and PACT Writing: Engaging Students with the ACRL Framework, Research as Inquiry
Kelly Diamond and Laura Brady, West Virginia University
Social Science
Chapter 6. Behind the Headlines: Current Events Topic Discovery and Exploration Using Historical Event Headlines
Mary K. Oberlies, University of Oregon
Chapter 7. Research as Inquiry: A Strategy for Questioning
Sharon Radcliff, California State University, East Bay
Science and Engineering
Chapter 8. “This is Terrifying!”: Problem-Based Learning, Information Literacy, and the Zika Virus
Maoria J. Kirker and Janna Mattson, George Mason University
Chapter 9. Know What You Don’t Know: Teaching Chemistry Students to Ask Better Research Questions
Talitha R. Matlin and Michael Schmidt, California State University, San Marcos
Chapter 10. Empowering Undergraduates in the Life Sciences with Information Literacy Skills for Graduate Research Readiness
Kelli Trei, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Volume 2. Information Has Value
Chapter 11. Wikipedia vs. the Library: WHY start at the Library Instead of Wikipedia?
Jolanda-Pieta van Arnhem and Jannette L. Finch, College of Charleston
Chapter 12. Copyright for Scholars—Informing our Academic Publishing Practices
Sara R. Benson, University of Illinois
Chapter 13. Whose Medium? Whose Message?: A Critical Media Literacy Approach to “Information Has Value”
Hilary Bussell, The Ohio State University
Chapter 14. “A Sample is a Tactic”: Hip Hop Pedagogy in Attribution and Citation
Craig Arthur, Virginia Tech, Alyssa Archer, Radford University, and Katelyn Burton, Virginia Western Community College
Chapter 15. The Utility of Social Media for Teaching Information Has Value
Nora Belzowski and Kristi Bugajski, Valparaiso University
Chapter 16. The Value of Information in the Health Sciences: First Do No Harm
Candace K. Vance, Murray State University
Volume 3. Searching as Strategic Exploration
Chapter 17. Gathering, Evaluating, and Strategic Exploration
Jannette L. Finch and Jolanda-Pieta van Arnhem, College of Charleston
Chapter 18. Together We Learn: Applying Social Constructivism in Library Instruction
Laura Skinner, Piedmont Virginia Community College and Anna Mary Williford, University of Montevallo
Chapter 19. Hashtags & Filter Bubbles: Guiding Students on Their Research Quest
Kelly Diamond and Laura Brady, West Virginia University
Chapter 20. Strategic Topic Development: An Active, Flipped Lesson for First-Year Students
Tiffany Davis, Mount Saint Mary College
Social Science
Chapter 21. Pause for a Station Break: Applying Constructivist Theory to Strategic Exploration
Joanna Gadsby, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Chapter 22. Fostering Creative Thinking and Reflexive Evaluation in Searching: Instructional Scaffolding and the Zone of Proximal Development in Information Literacy Acquisition
Melissa Clark, Stephen F. Austin State University
Chapter 23. Using Cooperative Learning to Encourage Students to MeSH Up Their Searches
Heather A. Johnson, Dartmouth College
Chapter 24. Engineering Study Abroad as Strategic Exploration
Emily Frank, Louisiana State University and Amanda MacDonald, Virginia Tech
Chapter 25. Alleviating the Pain: Teaching Research Skills to Doctoral Nursing Students
Jessica Sender, Michigan State University
Chapter 26. Data Discovery: Facilitating the Search for Statistical Information in the Library Classroom
Elizabeth Soergel, University of Maryland, College Park
Volume 4. Information Creation as a Process
Chapter 27. What is an Annotated Bibliography and WHY Should I Do One?
Jolanda-Pieta van Arnhem and Jannette L. Finch, College of Charleston
Chapter 28. Taming the Wild Ones: Leveraging Social Learning for Information Literacy
Maoria J. Kirker, George Mason University
Chapter 29. Declaring Independence: Scaffolding IL Skills Through Final Research Projects
Victoria Elmwood, Loyola University New Orleans
Chapter 30. Transformative Learning: Changing ESL Students’ Research Methods through the Examination of the Processes of Information Creation
Amanda B. Albert, Washington University in St. Louis
Chapter 31. Finding Empirical Articles for Psychology
Allison Faix, Coastal Carolina University
Chapter 32. Helping Civil Engineering Students to Meet Real-World Information Needs
Theresa Calcagno, George Mason University
Chapter 33. Beyond “Is it Peer-Reviewed?”: Exploring Information Creation in the Sciences
Nicole Juve and Beth Twomey, North Dakota State University
Volume 5. Scholarship as Conversation
Chapter 34. Pulling it all Together: Sharing your Research Story
Jolanda-Pieta van Arnhem and Jannette L. Finch, College of Charleston
Chapter 35. Stranger in a Strange Land: Student-Scholar Identity as a Foundation for College-Level Research
Allison Carr and Yvonne Nalani Meulemans, California State University, San Marcos
Chapter 36. Topical Subjects Sources as Catalyst for Inquiry-Based Learning
Karlie Johnson, Jacksonville State University, Katherine Eastman, and James Gilbreath, University of Alabama
Chapter 37. The Rite of Spring Information Cycle Activity
Laura Jenemann, Boston University
Chapter 38. “They All Quote Each Other!”: Discovering A Scholarly Conversation Through Guided Inquiry
Helen McManus, George Mason University, Science and Engineering
Chapter 39. What Did They Say and Why Did They Say It? Scholarship as Conversation in the Science Classroom
Robert Correll and Bethany Twomey, North Dakota State University
Chapter 40. The Ecology of Information Literacy: Modes of Inquiry, Location, and Assessment in a Biology Department’s Writing Class
Harrison Carpenter, Barbara Losoff, and Rebecca Kuglitsch, University of Colorado
Chapter 41. Extending Evaluation: Introducing Students to the Scholarly Conversation
Andrea Wright, Furman University
Volume 6. Authority Is Constructed and Contextual
Chapter 42. Validating Search and Discovery Skills through Altruistic Research: The Favor Assignment
Janette L. Finch and Jolanda-Pieta van Arnhem, College of Charleston
Chapter 43. Flip It! Using a Flipped Lesson Plan to Extend a One-Shot for a Freshman Speech Course
Allison Carr, California State University, San Marcos
Chapter 44. Teaching Bias with a Skyhook
Stephen A. Sanders and Elizabeth A. Sanders, Southeastern Louisiana University
Chapter 45. Grappling with Authority in First-Year Writing
Maglen Epstein, St. Olaf College
Chapter 46. Examining Justice Models Through Social Media
Janna Mattson, George Mason University
Chapter 47. Teaching Business Students Leadership Skills Using Adult Learning Theory
Charissa Jefferson, California State University, Northridge
Chapter 48. Learning Places at the Intersection of Information Literacy and Place-Based Learning
Anne E. Leonard, New York City College of Technology
Chapter 49. Breaking it Down: Flipping Library Instruction for Non-Traditional Undergraduate Engineers
Karna Younger and Rebecca Orozco, University of Kansas
Chapter 50. Biased Against Apathy: Harnessing Curiosity and Knowledge Gaps in Source Analysis
Katherine Eastman, James Gilbreath, University of Alabama, and Karlie Johnson, Jacksonville State University
Chapter 51. On Whose Authority?: Teaching Evidence-Based Practice Point-of-Care Research to the Nursing Student
Lauren M. Young, Samford University and Elizabeth G. Hinton, University of Mississippi Medical Center
Chapter 52. Evaluating and Reporting on the Authority of Scientific Information
Denise FitzGerald Quintel, Mary Ellen Sloane, and Angelique Troelstrup, Middle Tennessee University
Mary K. Oberlies
Mary K. Oberlies is the Undergraduate Engagement Librarian and Assistant Librarian at the University of Oregon. She received her MAIS from the University of Missouri-Columbia, an MA in Violence, Terrorism, and Security from Queen's University at Belfast, and a BA in International Studies from Berry College.
Janna Mattson
Janna Mattson is the Instructional and Social Sciences Librarian at George Mason University. She received her MEd from George Mason University along with a graduate certificate in eLearning, an MLS from Queens College, City University of New York, and a BA in Music from Virginia Commonwealth University.