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- Description
- Table of Contents
- About the author
- Reviews
The E-copyright Handbook considers how copyright applies internationally to a wide range of electronic content types. Pedley covers APIs, e-books, blogs, wikis, RSS feeds, emails, streaming, podcasts, broadcasts, databases, social networking sites, GUIs, and more, while focusing on activities which are especially relevant to library and information services such as the lending of electronic content and the mass digitization of content from a library collection. He also considers activities undertaken by internet users such as deep linking, filesharing, mashups, and scraping, and the copyright issues associated with those activities. Other topics include
- Relevant international legislation, including numerous examples of legal disputes and court decisions from the UK, Europe, and the US
- Copyright exceptions such as those for fair dealing, library privilege, the making of a temporary copy, visual impairment, and the public interest, with explanations of how they apply in an electronic context
- A chapter devoted to the Digital Economy Act 2010 and how it works in practice
- The use of copyright infringement reports, copyright infringement lists, and quality assurance reports
- The use of technical measures, penalties, appeals, and costs
Pedley's handbook provides library and information professionals with practical guidance to minimize the risk of copyright infringement.
Read the Table of Contents and Chapter 1 of this book now!
Paul Pedley
Paul Pedley is a leading expert in information law. He is a Visiting Lecturer at City University, responsible for the Information Law and Policy Module; he has been a member of LACA, the Libraries and Archives Copyright Alliance since 1998; and is the author of Digital Copyright and Copyright Compliance: Practical Steps to Stay Within the Law, and editor of Managing Digital Rights. He regularly runs training courses on copyright and other legal issues.
"A scholarly and comprehensive reference, The E-Copyright Handbook is an absolute must for any librarian who wants to make sure their library's legal matters are all in order."
--Library Bookwatch