Practical Copyright for Library and Information Professionals

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  • Description
  • Table of Contents
  • About the author
  • Reviews

The UK's copyright legislation has been referred to as the longest, most confusing and hardest to navigate in the world. This new handbook brings clarity to what would otherwise be a complex topic. The author provides sensible and realistic guidance for all library and information practitioners. Topics covered include

  • the copyright exceptions or permitted acts most relevant to library and information professionals;
  • lending of print and electronic copyright materials;
  • the range of licensing solutions available to ensure that the use of copyright works is done in compliance with the law;
  • the options available for making copies of orphan works, such as where this is done as part of digitization projects; and
  • an exploration of how information professionals working in corporate environments can copy material legitimately, with instances where this differs from practitioners working in not for profit publicly accessible libraries.

1. General principles

1.1    What copyright is
1.2    What copyright protects 
1.3    How one obtains copyright protection
1.4    How long copyright lasts
1.5    Copyright ownership
1.6    Who is an ‘author'?
1.7    Economic and moral rights
1.8    How copyright fits within the wider range of intellectual property rights
1.9    A framework for analysing copyright problems
2. Legislative framework

2.1    International treaties and conventions
2.2    European legislation
2.3    UK legislation
2.4    Case law
2.5    Sources of information on EU and UK legislation and case law

3. Acts permitted in relation to copyright works (The Copyright Exceptions) 

3.1    Introduction
3.2    Fair dealing
3.3    Library exceptions
3.4    Educational exceptions
3.5    Public administration
3.6    Other exceptions

4. Licensing

4.1    Introduction to licensing
4.2    The different types of licence
4.3    The relationship between contracts/licences and copyright
4.4    Negotiating licences
4.5    The rationale for collective licences
4.6    Collective licensing societies
4.7    Licence disputes and their resolution
4.8    UK government licensing framework (The National 4.9    Open Parliament Licence
4.10    Creative Commons
4.11    GNU General Public Licence (open software) 

5. Digital copyright

5.1    Copyright and the internet
5.2    Communication to the public
5.3    Hyperlinking, deep linking and embedding
5.4    Database right
5.5    Archiving and preservation of digital content
5.6    Mass digitization
5.7    Licensing of electronic resources
5.8    Digital rights management systems
5.9    Digital goods and the concept of exhaustion
5.10    Rental and lending of digital content

6. Orphan works

6.1    Definition
6.2    Legally compliant orphan works solutions
6.3    Diligent search

7. Copyright compliance

7.1    Introduction
7.2    Infringement
7.3    Risk management
7.4    Liability
7.5    Dispute resolution
7.6    Compliance with licence terms
7.7    Copyright policies
7.8    Copyright training, education and awareness
7.9    Ethical and professional issues and conflicts
7.10    Copyright clearance process

8. Copyright for the corporate sector

8.1    The copyright exceptions
8.2    Licensing
8.3    Image searching
8.4    Other services

Paul Pedley

Paul Pedley is a leading expert in information law. He is a Visiting Lecturer at City University, responsible for the Information Law and Policy Module; he has been a member of LACA, the Libraries and Archives Copyright Alliance since 1998; and is the author of Digital Copyright and Copyright Compliance: Practical Steps to Stay Within the Law, and editor of Managing Digital Rights. He regularly runs training courses on copyright and other legal issues.

"You can use the book in two ways – to grab off the shelf to answer a copyright question quickly or to sit down with and the links to further reading online. Either way, you will come away more enlightened and confident about copyright. I would recommend the book to anyone with an interest in copyright."

"Exceptionally well written, organized and presented, Practical Copyright for Library and Informatlion Professionals should be considered a 'must' for the reference collections of all community, corporate, governmental, and academic libraries and included as a core supplement for Library Science Studies student curriculums."
— Midwest Book Review  

"Facet Publishing have branded these titles as part of a wider ‘Copyright Classics' series: a fitting term given how much the sector has come to rely on the guidance provided by these authors ... with significant amounts of experience dealing with copyright issues through practice, lobbying policy-makers, and providing training to the archive, library and information management sectors." 
— Victoria Stobo, Archives and Records