Digitizing Your Collection: Public Library Success Stories

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  • Description
  • Table of Contents
  • About the authors
  • Reviews

Digitizing your collection is not only a great way to increase access to your materials, it also engages patrons on a whole new level and helps communicate your library's value. But with staff time and resources already spread thin, it can be a challenge to plan and undertake a digitization initiative. The good news is that public libraries across the country have done just that. Here, the authors share lessons and tips for success, showing the way to getting your collection online. With succinct and practical guidance that can be adapted to any size institution, this book

  • explains why public libraries should take digitization seriously, listing key points that can be used to get stakeholders on board;
  • points out what you should consider before undertaking a digitization project;
  • discusses copyright and other access-related issues;
  • shows how public libraries are handling funding and finding collaborative partners;
  • shares ways that libraries have used digitization projects for community outreach and to promote collections; and 
  • offers advice on marketing and media.

Many libraries across the country have found ways to create wonderful digital collections, and this book shows you how you can too.

Introduction: Why Digitize?

Chapter 1: What to Consider before Digitizing
Chapter 2: Digitizing Copyrighted Materials
Chapter 3: Overcoming Staffing Limitations
Chapter 4: Getting Your Community Involved
Chapter 5: Funding Opportunities
Chapter 6: Marketing Your Collection
Chapter 7: Digital Preservation

About the Author and Contributors

Susanne Caro

Susanne Caro is the government document librarian at the University of Montana, Missoula. She has presented at library conferences regarding how to access digitized educational resources. Previously she was the state document librarian and coordinator at the New Mexico State Library where she planned and implemented the creation of a digital collection of El Palacio magazine, the oldest museum publication in the country, dating back to 1913.

Sam Meister

Sam Meister is currently the preservation communities manager at the Educopia Institute. He was previously the digital archivist and assistant professor in the Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library at the University of Montana-Missoula. He is also currently an instructor in the Society of American Archivists' Digital Archives Specialist Certificate Program and an instructor in the Library of Congress's Digital Preservation Outreach and Education Program.

Tammy Ravas

Tammy Ravas is associate professor and visual and performing arts librarian at the University of Montana, Missoula. In 2010 she received her Level One certification in Copyright Management and Leadership from the (now defunct) Center for Intellectual Property at the University of Maryland. She has presented at library conferences and other workshops regarding copyright and higher education. Her current research interests are educating undergraduates in copyright issues.

Wendy Walker

Wendy Walker worked for four years as the digital collections and metadata services librarian at the Henderson District Public Libraries and is now the digital initiatives librarian at the University of Montana.

"Exceptionally well written, organized and presented … very highly recommended for library staff instructional reference collections, especially as libraries go further and further into the new digital age of information sharing."
— Library Bookwatch

"If you haven't started a digitization project yet, read this book first. It will help and inspire you to get your project started by providing planning and management tips as well as real-life successes by libraries large and small."
— Online Searcher

"As each of the different steps of a successful digital project are addressed, the authors present practical approaches, suggesting a variety of good options along a spectrum instead of a single ‘right' way to proceed. This is especially helpful considering the wide variety of public library collections, resources, locations, staff profiles, and all combinations thereof. This volume's biggest strength is the proliferation of real life examples. Nearly every concept, once addressed, is illustrated by at least one extended description of how a specific library and its staff handled the challenge … Those at public libraries or other small- to mid-sized institutions who want to pursue digital projects in a sensible and successful way could benefit from reading this book as part of their planning process. It could also serve as a guide to those already digitizing their collections, who are looking for ideas for increasing community involvement, improving marketing, or funding further efforts to share more online."
— Technical Services Quarterly

"An excellent primer for public libraries considering entering into the world of digitization … "
— Technicalities