The ALA Book of Library Grant Money, Ninth Edition

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  • Description
  • Table of Contents
  • About the author
  • Reviews

This all-in-one resource for researching library and school grants is back in a new edition, and more useful than ever, offering refreshed content and even more guidance on locating grant funding sources. Using this guide, librarians, fundraisers, and researchers will find quick, convenient access to information on the most likely funding sources for libraries, including private foundations, corporate foundations, corporate direct givers, government agencies, and library and nonprofit organizations. Nancy Kalikow Maxwell, a grant writer with 35 years of experience, this edition includes more than 200 new entries, as well as

  • A detailed introduction explaining the concept of “grant readiness” and walking readers through the steps of preparing their institution for a grant project, including strategic planning, conducting a needs assessment, and identifying potential partners
  • Guidance on the most effective ways to use the directory, with an explanation of inclusion criteria and data elements
  • Multiple indexes for finding the right information fast
  • A new section covering grant-related organizations and sources, to aid readers looking for grant writers or grant development assistance

The challenge of “finding the money” will be made easier with this guide’s clear and comprehensive information.

  IntroductionHow to Use This Book Grantor Profiles Grant-Related Organizations and Resources Indexes

Grantors by Total Grant Value

Grantors by State 

Named Grants/Programs 

Professional Library Organization Grantors

Nancy Kalikow Maxwell

Nancy Kalikow Maxwell, M.L.S., M.A., is a grant-writing consultant with Kaliwell, Inc.. Throughout her thirty-year library career, she has participated in successful grant projects totaling more than ten million dollars, with more than one million of those dollars flowing directly to libraries. In South Florida, she was library director at Miami Dade College (Miami, FL) and Barry University (Miami Shores, FL). She is the author of ALA Editions’ Grant Money through Collaborative Partnerships (2012) and the editor of The ALA Book of Library Grant Money, Ninth Edition (2014).

"An absolute 'must-have' for any institution seeking to apply for grant money!"
— Library Bookwatch

"As someone interested in grant writing, I found this to be a valuable and informative monograph that every librarian or library interested in grant funding should own. While the selected grantor profiles are an informative and valuable resource, this work is extremely important because it provides cross listing indexes. Readers can browse alphabetically by grantor title, by grant title, by state, and by monetary allotments. This allows the published work to be extremely flexible and easy to use."
— Reference Reviews