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- Description
- Table of Contents
- About the authors
- Reviews
ALA's popular and respected Whole Library Handbook series continues with a volume specifically geared towards those who serve young adults, gathering stellar articles and commentary from some of the country's most innovative and successful teen services librarians. Sections focusing on practice, theory, and the philosophical underpinnings of the profession are supported by current research and historical perspectives. Both instructive and reflective in scope, this essential handbook
- Provides a comprehensive introduction to the background and day-to-day realities of teen librarianship for LIS students and those new to the field
- Offers expert tips and wisdom invaluable to those already working with teens
- Highlights trends, challenges, and opportunities in the changing world of how teens interact with libraries, and what they expect
- Emphasizes advocacy across all spectrums, including in local communities and among fellow staff who may be anxious about teens in the library
- Guides staff in providing readers' advisory to teens
- Includes ready-to-use marketing resources, templates, and sample teen services and teen volunteer plans
Anyone who works with young adults will benefit from the thorough coverage provided by this volume's expert contributors.
1: Who are Teens?
Defining the Local Teen Community
Heather Booth
Lolcats, Bieber Fever, and Rainbow Bracelets: What’s Hot, What’s So Yesterday, and How to Keep Up
Heather Booth
Fast Facts for Librarians about the Teenage Brain
Heather Booth
Teen Development: The 40 Developmental Assets
Karen Jensen and Heather Booth
Reading in the Dark: Boys, Their Books, and the Search for Answers
Eric Devine
2: Who Are We?
What Does It Mean to be a Teen Services Librarian?
Karen Jensen
Same Pattern; Different Cloth: School and Public Librarians and their Partnerships
Naomi Bates
What Does Customer Service to Teens Look Like?
Karen Jensen
Friend, Advisor, Enforcer, Professional: Relating to Teens as a Young Adult Librarian
Maggie Hommel Thomann
Where’s the Handbook for That?
Karen Jensen
The Importance of Networking in the Life of a Teen Librarian
Heather Booth and Karen Jensen
What’s in Your Files? What to Ditch, What to Keep, and for How Long
Heather Booth
Get Your Reading Habits Organized
Allison Tran
Growing a Young Adult Librarian: Recruitment, Selection, and Retention of an Important Asset for Your Community
Margaret Redrup-May
3: Creation, Maintenance and Evaluation of Teen Services
An Introduction to the Teen Services Plan
Karen Jensen
Teens on the Platform: YALSA’s National Teen Space Guidelines
Katherine Trouern-Trend
Evaluation: Is Where You Begin Where You End?
Karen Jensen and Heather Booth
Teen Librarian Advocacy 101
Karen Jensen
4: Programming
An Introduction to Teen Programming
Karen Jensen
Technology Programming and Teens
Stacy Vandever Wells
MAKING | ART: A Flexible Model for Teen Services
Erinn Batykefer
Author Visits
Kristin Treviño and Allison Jenkins
Gaming in Libraries
Justin Hoenke
Self-Directed and Free-Range Programming
Karen Jensen
5: Collections
Collection Development: Making the Case for Teen Collections
Karen Jensen
Teen Collection Development Outline
Karen Jensen
Are All Lists Created Equal? Diversity in Award-Winning and Best-Selling Young Adult Fiction
Casey Rawson
Heather Booth
YA Book Blogs and How They Can Help You Develop Your Collection
Abby Johnson and Melissa Wheelock-Diedrichs
The Next Big Thing in E-books
Erin Bush
Booktalking in 1,000 Words—or Maybe a Few More!
Joni Richards Bodart
Readers’ Advisory: Listening Is an Act of Love
Heather Booth
What Is Readers’ Advisory, and Why Is Readers’ Advisory for Teens Different?
Heather Booth
Awards, Lists, Reviews, and Readers’ Advisory Possibilities: It’s Not Just One Big Chocolate Shop Francisca Goldsmith
Are You Reading YA Lit? You Should Be
Gretchen Kolderup
6: Marketing
Marketing: An Introduction from a Fellow Librarian
Karen Jensen
Crafting Your Marketing Plan
Karen Jensen
Graphic Design Basics for Non–Graphic Designers
Karen Jensen
Merchandising 101: Marketing to Teens in the Library
Karen Jensen
Booktalking in Your Local Schools as a Marketing Opportunity
Karen Jensen
Make the Most of Your Teen Services Social Media
Karen Jensen
7: Teen Involvement
Putting the Teen in Your Teen Services
Karen Jensen
Keeping the Teen Advisory Board Relevant—and Real: New Clubs, Themes, and Attitudes
Amy Alessio
8: Issues
Intellectual Freedom and the Teen Librarian
Heather Booth and Karen Jensen
Evaluating Materials for a Diverse Collection
Christie Ross Gibrich and Heather Booth
GLBTQ Materials in Your Teen Collection: The Teens Are There Already; Why Aren’t the Books?
Christie Ross Gibrich
The Rubber-Band Ball of Guys and Reading: Considering Boys in Collection Development and Library Service
Torrey Maldonado
Authors, Characters, and Experiences: Collection Development Mindful of People of Color in Young Adult Literature
Debbie Reese
Reaching Reluctant Readers, like Me
Kelly Milner Halls
Critical Issues in Juvenile Detention Center Libraries
Jeanie Austin
Social Media and the Relational Reading Revolution
Karen Jensen
A. A Sample Teen Services Plan
Karen Jensen
B. Your Teen Volunteer Plan
Karen Jensen
C. Your Teen-Driven Program Plan
Karen Jensen
D. Marketing Resources: A Guide with Annotations
Heather Booth and Karen Jensen
Contributor Biographies
Heather Booth
Heather Booth, committed to serving the dynamic needs and interests of young people in a community setting, specializes in Young Adult Services, part of the Readers Advisory and Audio Services department, at the Downers Grove Public Library in Illinois. She selects materials and coordinates services for the library's "Teen Central," and serves as coordinator for the library's Teen Advisory Board. The Board, under her leadership, was a nominating group for YALSA's Teens' Top Ten award in 2005 and 2006. She holds her MLS from the University of Illinois' Graduate School of Library and Information Sciences.
Karen Jensen
Karen Jensen has worked with teens since 1993. She holds a degree in Christian Education/Youth Ministry from Mount Vernon College and earned her MLS from Kent State University. She is currently a teen services librarian in Grand Prairie, Texas, where she is especially focused on using the "40 Developmental Assets for Adolescents" to advocate for teens in her library and community. She is the author of several articles in VOYA and wrote a chapter in Intellectual Freedom for Teens: A Practical Guide for Young Adult & School Librarians, by Kristin Fletcher-Spear and Kelly Tyler. She is the creator and moderator of Teen Librarian Toolbox, where she blogs about pop culture, librarianship, and books.
"This guide to providing teen services in public libraries is quite comprehensive, earning its place as part of The Whole Library Handbook series … Especially useful are the pieces on weeding, booktalking, and self-directed (passive) programming … this title should be useful to library and information science students and anyone serving teens."
"Booth and Jensen have put together a valuable resource for any librarian who works on a regular basis with teens, whether it is full- or part-time."
— Catholic Library World