Trusting Records in the Cloud: The Creation, Management, and Preservation of Trustworthy Digital Content

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  • Description
  • Table of Contents
  • About the authors
  • Reviews

Published in association with the Society of American Archivists (SAA)

This book presents up-to-date research and offers concrete guidelines for records professionals concerned with challenges to records in the online environment including privacy, accessibility, portability, metadata and ownership. Trusting Records in the Cloud presents the key findings of the InterPARES Trust project, which has investigated issues of trust in and trustworthiness of records in the cloud environment. The project generated theoretical and methodological frameworks to develop local, national and international policies, procedures, regulations, standards and legislation, in order to ensure public trust grounded on evidence of good governance, a strong digital economy, and a persistent digital memory. Coverage includes:

  • the risks and remedies to the contracts the general public must enter into with social media and other service providers;
  • implementing retention and disposition schedules in the cloud;
  • understanding the role of metadata in cloud services for chain of custody;
  • rethinking issues of appraisal, arrangement and description;
  • new practices with respect to preservation including a model for preservation as a series of services that may be implemented by a single trusted digital repository or by a variety of preservation actors; and
  • information governance, risk management, and authentication practices and technologies.

1. Concepts of trust in online environments, linking of InterPARES projects, questions and conclusions - Luciana Duranti
2. Issues specific to the cloud - Julie McLeod
3. Open government - Elizabeth Shepherd
4. Retention and Disposition - Patricia C Franks
5. Intellectual control - Giovanni Michetti
6. Preservation - Adrian Cunningham
7. Cultural Heritage - Gillian Oliver
8. Citizen Engagement - Fiorella Foscarini
9. Professional Roles - Tove Engvall
10. Authentication - Hrvoje Stancic
11. Information Governance - Basma Makhlouf-Shabou
12. Education - Victoria Lemieux

Luciana Duranti

Luciana Duranti is Professor of archival theory, diplomatics, and the management of digital records in the master’s and doctoral archival programs of the School of Library, Archival and Information Studies of the University of British Columbia. She is the Director of the Centre for the International Study of Contemporary Records and Archives ( and InterPARES, the Digital Records Forensics, and the Records in the Clouds Projects.

Corinne Rogers

Corinne Rogers, Project Coordinator for InterPARES Trust (2013-2019), is an adjunct professor in the School of Library, Archival and Information Studies (the iSchool) at the University of British Columbia, and a Systems Archivist with Artefactual Systems. From 2006-2012 Corinne participated in the InterPARES research (International Research on Permanent Authentic Records in Electronic Systems) and Digital Records Forensics (2009-2011) and she is co-author of Digital Records Pathways: Topics in Digital Preservation – a suite of online educational resources produced by InterPARES for the International Council on Archives.

"A timely contribution to the professional literature ... Along with the individual studies and reports produced by the ITrust initiative, this volume will do much to prepare institutions for the hurdles we will inevitably face in coming years."
— The American Archivist