Transforming Libraries to Serve Graduate Students—eEditions PDF e-book
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- Description
- Table of Contents
- About the authors
- Reviews
Graduate students are critical stakeholders for academic libraries. As libraries continue to reinvent themselves to remain relevant, spaces, services, and instruction targeted specifically for the needs of the graduate student community are essential.
Transforming Libraries to Serve Graduate Students is a practical atlas of how librarians around the world are serving the dynamic academics that are today’s graduate students. In four sections—One Size Does Not Fit All: Services by Discipline, Degree, and Delivery Method; Librarian Functions and Spaces Transformed to Meet Graduate Students’ Needs; More Than Just Information Literacy: Workshops and Data Services; and Partnerships—readers will discover a plethora of programs and ideas gleaned directly from experienced librarians working at some of the top academic institutions, and explore the power of leveraging their library initiatives through partnerships with other university units.
According to the National Center for Education Statistics, graduate students have comprised between 14 and 15 percent of all students enrolled in higher education since 2000, and are expected to exceed 3,300,000 students in 2020. While the traditional graduate student starting their fifth consecutive year of study still populates university campuses, graduate students also include seasoned professionals seeking an advanced degree to further career goals, career changers, international students, and online-only students. Each grad student comes with their own levels of expertise, challenging librarians to provide targeted help aligned with the expectations of their specific program of study. Transforming Libraries to Serve Graduate Students incorporates the experiences of librarians from across the United States, Canada, and Europe into thirty-four chapters packed with programs, best practices, and ideas readers can implement in their own libraries.
Section 1. One Size Does Not Fit All: Services by Discipline, Degree, and Delivery Method
Chapter 1. Understanding Graduate Students: Examining the Nature of Their Distinct Library Needs
Lelia June Rod-Welch
Chapter 2. Clearing a Pathway to Success: Online Graduate Students and Promoting Library Resources
Samantha Harlow and Kelly McCallister
Chapter 3. Serving Art and Design Graduate Students
Ellen Petraits
Chapter 4. The Accidental Librarian Instructor: Teaching a Graduate Research Course
Anne Shelley
Chapter 5. Academic Librarians as Advocates to the Professoriate “Pipeline Problem”
Joy M. Doan and Melissa A. Rassibi
Chapter 6. Serving the Professional Graduate Student: Health Sciences
Julie Evener
Chapter 7. From Entrepreneurs to Executives: Supporting Graduate Business Students in the Library
Jordan Nielsen
Chapter 8. Library Services and Resources in Graduate-level Social Work Education
Margaret Bausman, John Pell, and Adina Mulliken
Chapter 9. Reflective Information Literacy: Empowering Graduate Student Teachers
Anne-Marie Deitering, Hannah Gascho Rempel, and Tim Jensen
Chapter 10. Serving STEM Graduate Students
Jean L. Bossart
Chapter 11. Reading-Writing Groups for Chemistry Graduate Students: A Three-Year Experiment in Finding the Interesting Thing
Sara Scheib and Amy Charles
Chapter 12. Providing Innovative Library Services to STEM Graduate Students
Karen Stanley Grigg, Sarah H. Jeong, and Nina Exner
Section 2. Librarian Functions and Spaces Transformed to Meet Graduate Students’ Needs
Chapter 13. Designing Responsive Spaces for Graduate Student Populations: A Case Study
Scott Collard
Chapter 14. From Mop Closets to Sunny Spaces: Multifaceted Data Collection in Graduate Workspace Design
Jonathan D. Schwarz, Mandy L. Havert, and Jessica N. Kayongo
Chapter 15. A Graduate Room with a View: The Old versus New Graduate Study Space and the Future
Lisa Thornell
Chapter 16. Training STEM Students in LaTeX
Tammy Stitz
Chapter 17. CartoShop: Inviting Interdisciplinary Research through GIS Mapping Workshops
Erika Jenns and Theresa Quill
Chapter 18. The Digital Identity of Graduate Students
Juanjo Boté
Chapter 19. Using Citation Managers to Connect with Graduate Students
Greg R. Notess
Chapter 20. Makerspaces Empowering Graduate Student Research
Morgan Chivers
Chapter 21. Interlibrary Loan and Serving Graduate Students
Jennifer Salvo-Eaton
Chapter 22. Traditional and Innovative Interlibrary Loan Services for Twenty-First-Century Graduate Students
Beth Posner
Section 3. More Than Just Information Literacy: Workshops and Data Services
Chapter 23. Data and Graduate Students: Less Naked and Less Afraid, or Giving Graduate Students the Clothes and Confidence for Data Success
Mandy Swygart-Hobaugh
Chapter 24. Teaching Data Management Skills in a One-Credit Course: A Case Study
Kyrille DeBose
Chapter 25. Improving Graduate Students’ Research Skills: The Graduate Student Research Series at the University of Florida
Hélène Huet and David Schwieder
Chapter 26. Not a Challenge but an Opportunity: Harnessing the ACRL Framework to Situate Graduate Students as Active Members of the Academic Community
Wendy C. Doucette
Chapter 27. Beyond Research : The Library’s Role in Graduate Student Professionalization
Marcela Y. Isuster
Chapter 28. Falling through the Cracks: Information Literacy Gaps among Graduate Students
Leila June Rod-Welch
Section 4. Partnerships
Chapter 29. Thesis Writing Life Cycle: An Open House Collaboration Model for Point-of-Need Services to Graduate Students
William Poluha and Marie Speare
Chapter 30. From Inception to Fruition: How One Library Created a Library-wide Working Group to Meet Campus-wide Graduate Student Needs
Nastasha E. Johnson
Chapter 31. Teaming Up with Your Graduate School for Academic and Career Success
Erin O’Toole, Rebecca Barham, Jo Monahan, and Susan Smith
Chapter 32. Gearing Up for Research: Partnering to Transform Support for the Graduate Student Research Life Cycle
Helen Josephine and Lora Leligdon
Chapter 33. Minding the Gap: Grassroots Efforts to Enhance the Graduate Student Research Experience
Susan R. Franzen, Sarah Dick, and Jennifer Sharkey
Chapter 34. When the Only Constant Is Change: Best Practices for Developing a Graduate Student Advisory Board to Engage with Changing Needs
Abby Scheel
About the Editors/Authors
Crystal Renfro
Crystal Renfro is the Graduate Engineering Librarian for Kennesaw State University. She was one of the founding members of the Faculty Engagement Department at Georgia Institute of Technology Library. This department was one of the first of its kind, focusing all services on graduate students and faculty. She owns the Personal Knowledge Management for Academia & Librarians blog (academicpkm.org), and was a 2008 ALA Emerging Leader. She has published in the Journal of Academic Librarianship, C&RL News, Reference Services Review, and was a book chapter contributor to Library Collection Development for Professional Programs: Trends and Best Practices (2013), to highlight only a few of her publications. She is a peer-reviewer for the Journal of Academic Librarianship.
Cheryl Stiles
Cheryl Stiles is the Director of the Graduate Library at Kennesaw State University and a Professor of Library Science. She has focused her career in academic libraries for the past twenty plus years. In 2005, she became the first KSU librarian dedicated exclusively to serving the needs of graduate students. Since that time she has overseen the growth of the KSU Graduate Library. In 2013 she started a professional mentoring program for the library system and during 2016-2017 she coordinated a yearlong professional writing program. As a member of the Board of Directors of the Georgia Writers Association and a member of Georgia’s Writers Registry, she has published numerous scholarly articles, poems, and creative nonfiction essays, and she has completed all coursework for a doctorate in English from Georgia State University.
“[T]here are so many insightful examples written here that anyone who reads it is bound to get a few nuggets of wisdom they can bring to their library to serve graduate students.”
—Journal of New Librarianship