Techniques for Electronic Resource Management: TERMS and the Transition to Open

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  • Description
  • Table of Contents
  • About the authors
  • Reviews

Growing Open Access (OA) options, Big Deal price pressure, fluid e-book purchasing models, and the need for ongoing assessment: it all adds up to a lot of moving parts. More than ever, you need a pragmatic framework for managing the many details of your online materials. TERMS—Techniques for Electronic Resource Management Systems—gave you one. Now its creators, incorporating five years of notes and input from many voices in the field, have updated their influential lifecycle model. In six sections you will circle through selection, procurement and licensing, implementation, troubleshooting, evaluation, and preservation and sustainability. Offering targeted guidance on both basic and complex issues, this book’s topics include

  • ways to fold OA management into traditional library practice;
  • accommodating the range of new purchasing models;
  • the relative weight of 13 factors when negotiating with vendors;
  • understanding deal-breakers and knowing when to walk away;
  • assessment after COUNTER 5 and bibliometrics;
  • criteria for making decisions on preservation and sustainability;
  • managing streaming media; and
  • six major developments to watch as the field evolves.

Whether a single team manages electronic resources or responsibility is spread across your library, this book will be your go-to ERM reference.

List of Illustrations

1.    What’s New with TERMS
Influence of TERMs
Structural Updates

2.    Investigating New Content for Purchase and Addition
1. Request
2. Developing Selection Criteria
3. Completing the Review Form
4. Analyzing and Reviewing
5. Establishing a Trial and Contacting Vendors
6. Making a Decision

3.    Purchasing and Licensing
1. Establishing Negotiation Criteria
2. Common Points of Negotiation in License Agreements
3. License Review and Signature
4. Negotiating and Renegotiating Contracts
5. Working with Other Departments and Areas on Resource Contracts
6. Recording Administrative Metadata

4.    Implementation
1. Access
2. Descriptive Metadata Management
3. Administrative Portals and Metadata
4. Subject Portals, Reading Lists Management Systems, Courseware, and Local Digital Collections Discovery
5. Testing Access
6. Branding and Marketing

5.    Troubleshooting
1. A Systematic Approach to Troubleshooting
2. Common Problems
4.Tools for Troubleshooting
5. Communication in Troubleshooting
6. Negative Impact of End Users Giving Up

6.    Assessment
1. Performance of the Resource against the Selection Criteria and Troubleshooting Feedback
2. Usage Statistics
3. Cost per Download
4. Non-Traditional Bibliometrics
5. Consultation
6. Cancellation Review

7.    Preservation and Sustainability
1. Choosing What to Preserve and Sustain
2. Developing Preservation and Sustainability Plans
3. Metadata Needed for Preservation
4. Local Preservation Options (Servers, Media Drives, LOCKSS/CLOCKSS, MetaArchive)
5. Cloud-Based Options (Archive-It, Portico, Media Portals, DPLA Hubs, Shared Preservation Structure)
6. Exit Strategy

8.    Conclusion
The Next Major Collection Topic: Data and Other Scholarly Outputs
The Next Major Procurement and Licensing Topic: Significant OA Growth
The Next Major Implementation Topics: Knowledge Bases and Persistent Identifiers
The Next Major Assessment Topics: COUNTER Release 5 and Book Data Enhancements
The Next Major Troubleshooting Topic: Web Browser Plug-ins
The Next Major Preservation Topic: Preservation of Non-Traditional Scholarly Outputs
Open Access as a Real Alternative?

About the Authors

Jill Emery

Jill Emery is the Collection Development Librarian at Portland State University Library and has over 20 years of academic library experience. She has held leadership positions in ALA ALCTS, ER&L, and NASIG. In 2015, she was appointed as the ALA-NISO representative to vote on NISO/ISO standards on behalf of the American Library Association. She also serves on the Project COUNTER Executive Committee. Jill serves as a member of The Charleston Advisor editorial board and is the columnist of “Heard on the Net,” and is on the editorial board for Insights, the UKSG journal. In 2016, she became a co-editor of the open access journal Collaborative Librarianship.

Graham Stone

Dr. Graham Stone is the senior research manager at Jisc Collections in the UK. He manages research activity for Jisc Collections in order to ensure the highest quality of service provision to libraries in the higher education sector. Previously he worked in the university sector for 22 years, most recently at the University of Huddersfield where he managed the library resources budget, open access services and the University of Huddersfield Press. Graham was awarded his professional doctorate in July 2017 for his research on New University Press publishing.

Peter McCracken

Peter McCracken is Electronic Resources Librarian at Cornell University. Previous work has included roles as a reference librarian at the University of Washington; a co-founder of Serials Solutions, which helps libraries manage electronic resources; and a co-founder of, an electronic resource offered to libraries. Together, these experiences in public services, technical services, and multiple sides of electronic resources management, have informed his views of how libraries and vendors can best offer and manage electronic resources.

"Brings a lot of detailed information together into a useful framework, and is written clearly enough to be useful to experts, while still digestible to the uninitiated. For technical services librarians directly involved in the management of electronic resources, it should be required reading. Librarians in adjacent disciplines such as cataloging, acquisitions, and preservation also will find this work helpful, because it traces the many ways in which these resources affect every aspect of library technical services work.”
— Technicalities

"This detailed treatment of the process of managing electronic resources in libraries is required reading for librarians who purchase or support electronic resources.”

"The technical substance of this book makes it almost required reading for librarians to keep up to date with the current thinking on administrative librarianship.”
— Catholic Library World