Teaching Critical Reading Skills: Strategies for Academic Librarians (2-Volume Set)—eEditions e-book

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  • Description
  • Table of Contents
  • About the authors

Teaching Critical Reading Skills: Strategies for Academic Librarians collects the experiences and approaches of librarians who teach reading. In two volumes, librarians share their role in teaching reading—using pedagogical theories and techniques in new and interesting ways, making implicit reading knowledge, skills, and techniques explicit to students, presenting reading as a communal activity, partnering with other campus stakeholders, and leading campus conversations about critical reading. These volumes provide ready-made activities you can add or adapt to your teaching practice. The five sections are arranged by theme:
Volume 1

  • Part I: Reading in the Disciplines
  • Part II: Reading for Specific Populations

Volume 2

  • Part III: Reading Beyond Scholarly Texts
  • Part IV: Reading to Evaluate
  • Part V: Reading in the World 

Each of the 45 chapters contains teaching and programmatic strategies, resources, and lesson plans, as well as a section titled “Critical Reading Connection” that highlights each author’s approach for engaging with the purpose of reading critically and advancing the conversation about how librarians can foster this skill.
Academic librarians and archivists have a long history of engaging with different types of literacy and acting as a bridge between faculty and students. We understand the different reading needs of specific student populations and the affective challenges with reading that are often shared across learner audiences. We know what types of sources are read, the histories—and needed changes—of how authority has been granted in various fields, how students may be expected to apply what they read in future professional or civic settings, and frequently look beyond our local institutions to think about the larger structural and social justice implications of what is read, how we read, and who does the reading.
These volumes can help you make the implicit explicit for learners and teach that reading is both a skill that must be practiced and nurtured and a communal act. Teaching Critical Reading Skills demonstrates librarians’ and archivists’ deep connections to our campus communities and how critical reading instruction can be integrated in a variety of contexts within those communities.

Volume 1
Volume 1 — Reading in the Disciplines and Reading for Specific Populations
Hannah Gascho Rempel and Rachel Hamelers
Section I. Reading in the Disciplines
Chapter 1
Meeting Students in the Middle: Using Social Media Platforms and Contemporary Music Genres to Teach Critical Reading Skills for Primary Sources
Heather F. Ball
Chapter 2
Distant Reading as Library Pedagogy: Lessons for the Literary Studies Classroom
Amy Barlow
Chapter 3
Teaching a Reading Method for Scientific Research Articles: Transforming an Exercise from In-Person to Virtual Instruction
Roxanne Bogucka
Chapter 4
Medieval Medical School: A Primary Source Critical Reading Activity
Anna Dysert and Mary Hague-Yearl
Chapter 5
Teaching Students to Read and Critically Evaluate Scholarly Articles in Science and Agriculture
Chrissy Hursh
Chapter 6
Reading Scholarly Literature Across Academic Contexts: Tailoring Genre Approaches to Students’ Academic Year and Discipline
Chana Kraus-Friedberg and Emilia Marcyk
Chapter 7
Framing Reading as a Method in the Humanities
Elliott Kuecker
Chapter 8
Reading to Learn: A Collaborative Assignment to Build Critical Reading Skills in a First-Year Engineering Course
Jennifer Luarca and Hema Ramachandran
Chapter 9
Re-reading and Reflection: Steppingstones for Critical Readers in a College English Classroom
Amy Mallory-Kani and Hillary A. H. Richardson
Chapter 10
Reading Critically from the Archives: James Merrill Linn’s Diary as a Gateway to the Past
Courtney Paddick and Carrie Pirmann
Chapter 11
Using Professional Expectations to Improve Research and Reading Behaviors with Pre-Professional Health Students
Carolyn Schubert and Jennifer Walsh
Chapter 12
Navigating an Infodemic: Methods for Teaching Critical Reading in the Health Sciences
Candace Vance
Chapter 13
Critical Reading across the Engineering Disciplines
Dr. Kari D. Weaver, Dr. Kate Mercer, and Dr. Jennifer Howcroft
Section II. Reading for Specific Populations
Chapter 14
Supporting Early Undergraduate Students: Using Video to Introduce Critical Reading Skills in Scaffolded Information Literacy Instruction
Sarah Clark and Katherine J. Penner
Chapter 15
Critical Media Literacy Skills for Transfer Students
Margaret Dawson
Chapter 16
Librarians Sitting Down with Students: Varied Approaches to Co-Teaching Reading Skills for Developmental Writers
Lauren deLaubell, Dan Harms, Jenifer Sigafoes Phelan, and Hilary Wong
Chapter 17
Understanding Scholarly Articles: Teaching a Strategic Reading Method to Academically At-Risk Students
Kimberly T. Foster and Amy F. Fyn
Chapter 18
Surfacing Assumptions in Source Selection: Situating Critical Reading in First-Year Information Literacy Instruction
Anne Jumonville Graf
Chapter 19
Information Literacy Project in a First-Year Community College Reading Course: A Term-Long Journey
Pam Kessinger and Theresa Love
Chapter 20
Flexible, Not Flawless: Teaching Critical Reading Skills through a Bridge Program
Kayla M. Gourlay, Maoria J. Kirker, and Richard Todd Stafford
Chapter 21
Pulling It All Together: Teaching Genre, Disciplinary and Career Literacies, and the Framework for Information Literacy in an Associate Degree Capstone Course
Linda Miles and Lisa Tappeiner
Chapter 22
Reading Scholarly Articles and the First-Year Student: In-person and Online Instructional Strategies
Jo Angela Oehrli, Amanda Peters, and Alexander Deeke
Chapter 23
Connecting Critical Reading to the Literature Review: Teaching Qualitative Data Analysis Tools to Graduate Students
Lorelei Rutledge and Donna Harp Ziegenfuss
Chapter 24
A Librarian’s Role In Academic Reading Strategies for ESOL Students
Kathy Leezin Wu and G. Paige Sloan
Volume 2
Volume 2 — Reading to Evaluate, Reading Beyond Scholarly Texts, and Reading in the World
Hannah Gascho Rempel and Rachel Hamelers
Section III. Reading to Evaluate
Chapter 25
Diving Below the Surface: A Layered Approach to Teaching Online Source Evaluation through Lateral and Critical Reading
Andrea Baer and Daniel G. Kipnis
Chapter 26
Critical Distance Reading: A Feminist Data Literacy Framework for Decolonizing Historical Memory
Frederick C. Carey and Nickoal Eichmann-Kalwara
Chapter 27
Developing Critical Reading Skills in Computing Disciplines Through a Social Justice Lens
Carmen Cole
Chapter 28
Textual Topographies: Equipping Students with Tools for Navigating Academic Writing
Stephanie Geller
Chapter 29
The PACT Instructional Model: Using Peritextual Analysis to Improve Reading Comprehension and Facilitate Critical Thinking
Melissa Gross, Don Latham, and Shelbie Witte
Chapter 30
Mapping Unfamiliar Territory: Using Guided Reading Charts to Navigate Sources
Jennifer Jarson
Chapter 31
Making Critical Reading Routine: Teaching Metacognitive Information Evaluation Using the Reading Apprenticeship Framework
Ryne Leuzinger and Jacqui Grallo
section iv. Reading beyond scholarly texts
Chapter 32
Defining Standards: How to Read and Teach Technical Standards
Jean L. Bossart
Chapter 33
More Than Meets the Eye: A Template for Workshops and Instructional Sessions to Enhance the Ability to Critically Read Images
Jodi Brown & Kaiya Ansorge
Chapter 34
Critically Reading Data: Interpreting Public Opinion Polls in the News
Halle Burns
Chapter 35
Critical Reading and Graphic Novels: Thinking Outside the Classroom
Sara C. Kern
Chapter 36
Reading Memes: Rhetorical Analysis of Memes as Multimodal Texts
Jenny Dale and Maggie Murphy
Chapter 37
Reading the Psychology Pre-Source: Scope Notes, Citations, Help Sheets, and More
Sala Rhodes Shierling and Dr. Rebecca Eaker
Chapter 38
Reading Images with a Critical Eye: Teaching Strategies for Academic Librarians
Dana Statton Thompson and Stephanie Beene
section v. reading in the world
Chapter 39
Promoting Critical Reading through Learner-Centered Design:
WI+RE’s Approach to Open Online Learning
Salma Abumeeiz, Christopher Lopez, Matthew Weirick Johnson, Kian Ravaei, Renee Romero, Hannah Sutherland, and Doug Worsham
Chapter 40
Creating a Skeptical Mindset: Helping Students Evaluate Statistical Claims in Popular Sources
Joshua Becker
Chapter 41
Complex Texts: Critically Reading Race and Representation in Picture Books
Jewel Davis
Chapter 42
Co-CREATE Your Class: Critical Reading Instruction for First-Year Students
Caitlan Maxwell and abby koehler
Chapter 43
Taking Back Reading: Lateral Reading and Fake News with First Generation College Students of Color
Jennifer Masunaga and Paizha Stoothoff
Chapter 44
Value in Disruption: A “Reading is Research” Pedagogy for Library Instruction
Catherine Tingelstad and Stephanie Otis
Chapter 45
According to Science: Critically Examining Media Reports of Primary Research
Kaitlin Springmier, Caitlin Plovnick, and Hilary Smith
About the Editors

Hannah Gascho Rempel

Hannah Gascho Rempel (she/her/hers) is the Research and Learning department head and College of Agricultural Sciences liaison librarian at Oregon State University. She teaches classes for Honors College students on learning through play and a graduate-level class on responsible conduct of research. She has previously co-authored two books: Creating Online Tutorials: A Practical Guide and Understanding Student Development: A Practical Guide. She has also authored or co-authored over twenty-five articles and book chapters in the field of librarianship on areas such as graduate student needs in the library, fostering curiosity, and technology uses in the library. She is active in the Science and Technology Section of the Association of College and Research Libraries. Hannah receives support and inspiration from her spouse, Marc, two children, and sometimes from the cats.

Rachel Hamelers

Rachel Hamelers (she/her/hers) serves as the teaching and learning librarian and the math and science subject specialist at Muhlenberg College, Trexler Library in Allentown, PA. She teaches classes based on science communication in the Media and Communication department and the Public Health program at Muhlenberg College. Rachel received her undergraduate degree from Texas A&M University and her graduate degree from the City University of New York, Queens College. Rachel’s research interests include science communication, especially in relation to HIV and AIDS, information literacy instruction, and critical reading instruction in the sciences. She is active in the Science and Technology Section of the Association of College and Research Libraries. Rachel has an amazing partner, Mike, two awesome daughters, Lainie and Ellie, and four fun and very dog-like cats.