Ruth Toor

Ruth Toor retired after 29 years as an elementary school librarian in Chatham, New Jersey. She is a past president of AASL and a past member of ALA Council. During her AASL presidency, she was its representative to the National Forum for History Standards as well as a member of the Implementation Committee for Information Power: Building Partnerships for Learning. She taught graduate courses at Rutgers and Montclair State Universities. A past president of NJASL, she received its President's Award.

Being Indispensable: A School Librarian's Guide to Becoming an Invaluable Leader
Being Indispensable: A School Librarian's Guide to Becoming an Invaluable Leader—eEditions PDF e-book
New on the Job: A School Librarian's Guide to Success, Second Edition
New on the Job: A School Librarian's Guide to Success, Second Edition—eEditions e-book