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Romances offer affirming stories and characters to cheer for (and dream about). They are optimistic novels that relate tales of courtship, love, mutual respect, and appreciation. Romance fiction focuses on the developing relationship between the main characters, provides interesting story backdrops and details, and promises a happy ending. No matter if the story is about a duke in need of a duchess or next-door neighbors falling in love, the overarching feeling provided by these books is one of togetherness, support, and deep bonding.

Drawn from the insights of RA experts Neal Wyatt and Joyce G. Saricks, these grab-and-go pamphlets for readers will help your library’s users find their next favorite book.

Beginning with a quick overview of the genre, the pamphlet offers a list of key authors, both past and current, with recommended titles for getting started. It concludes with a list of suggested titles in other genres that will encourage readers to expand their horizons. Designed to fit in commonly sized literature racks, they're also useful tools for your next RA interview. Patrons will be eager to start exploring your library’s collection even before they reach the last page!

Sold in packs of 100

Also available: The Readers' Advisory Guide to Genre Fiction, Third Edition

Neal Wyatt

Neal Wyatt is a contributing editor and the readers' advisory columnist for Library Journal. She has served as President of The American Library Association's Reference and User Services Association (RUSA), chair of the Collection Development and Evaluation Section, and as chair of the Readers' Advisory Research and Trends Committee, The Notable Books Council, The Reading List Council, and The Listen List Committee, the last two of which she founded. She was instrumental in the creation of the Andrew Carnegie Medals for Excellence in Fiction and Nonfiction, the Sophie Brody Award, and the Zora Neale Hurston Award and is the founder of the Readers' Advisory Research and Trends Forum. She won RUSA's Margaret E. Monroe Award (2012) and the Isadore Gilbert Mudge Award (2013). She is the author of The Readers' Advisory Guide to Nonfiction as well as numerous articles and several book chapters. She holds a PhD in Media, Art, and Text.

Joyce G. Saricks

From 1977 until her retirement in 2004, Joyce Saricks worked at the Downers Grove Public Library and developed and directed the readers’ advisory department which involved working with fiction readers and books. She is the author of three books: Readers’ Advisory Service in the Public Library, The Readers’ Advisory Guide to Genre Fiction, and Read On: Audiobooks. In her retirement she taught Readers’ Advisory at Dominican University in River Forest, Illinois, served as Audio Editor for Booklist, and consulted for Ebsco’s NoveList. She has presented workshops on readers' advisory for public libraries and library systems across the US and abroad and has spoken at state, regional, and national library conferences. She won the Public Librarian Association’s Allie Beth Martin Award in 1989, was named Librarian of the Year by the Romance Writers of America in 2000, and won the Reference and User Services Association’s Margaret Monroe Award in 2011.