Our Enduring Values: Librarianship in the 21st Century

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  • Description
  • About the author
  • Reviews

"In a sense, the world of libraries is a microcosm of the wider world, buoyed by technology but daunted by the unknown, changing in ways that most of us understand dimly, if at all."
From Our Enduring Values

A veteran of four decades of library service and one of today's leading library thinkers, Michael Gorman opens a discussion on library values--those that are rooted in historical perspective and those that can adapt to changing times. This provocative book takes you through the principles of eight core values as it considers the questions on the minds of most librarians today, including:

  • What is the role of the library today?
  • What is librarianship in the 21st Century?
  • What do patrons and communities want from their libraries?
  • Will libraries be strengthened or destroyed by new and changing technology?
  • How can I maintain the core values of librarianship into the future?

A must-read for progressive librarians everywhere, Our Enduring Values will help you to define your role in the library of the future.

Michael Gorman

Michael Gorman, dean of libraries at California State University at Fresno, has worked in libraries for some four decades on two continents. He is coauthor with Walt Carwford of the best-selling Future Libraries: Dreams, Madness, and Reality (ALA Editions, 1995). A shaper of the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, he has won numerous awards and honors, including the Melvil Dewey Medal.

"For those of us who wonder about the future of our profession and feel that we have lost our way, this work by Michael Gorman is a must read."
—Technical Services Quarterly

"A provocative treatise for the profession at large."

"This book should prove especially useful to library media specialists when trying to update and add depth to their own book collections. Highly Recommended."
—Book Report

"Gorman understands libraries and their mission as few others do... Mr. Gorman uses his abundant common sense and his sense of humor to develop this topic. His discussion of the trends in modern librarianship is worth the price of the book... It is worth reading twice."
—FOCLIS Newsletter

"In this newest volume, this internationally renowned librarian takes an historic look at the profession of librarianship, and analyzes current trends and issues..."
—Library Mosaics

"Gorman's book cannot be accused of wasting the time of the reader. His credo/polemic is written clearly and concisely."
—Journal of Documentation

"The book is well written, wide-ranging and provocative."
—CAUT Bulletin

"In many ways this book fulfills its promise. Gorman's writing is, as always, thoughtful, interesting, and stimulating. The ideas he so eloquently describes are inspirational and remind us of the values that should underlie and inform both strategic planning and day-to-day decisions."
—Serials Review