Michael J. Aguilar II

Michael J. Aguilar II is a senior assistant librarian at San Jose State University, currently serving as the user engagement and insights librarian, and is a Public Voices fellow with The OpEd Project. Michael is interested in the role design plays in addressing our most pressing social issues, and his current work examines the role of design in the formation of relationships with library resources, services, and spaces. As an undergraduate graduate student, he rarely used his university library due to lack of knowledge of its resources and being intimidated to use its spaces. He engages with these issues for future generations of students through his current work, which includes leading a user experience working group that aims to embed student voices and perspectives into library services. His recent research additionally examines the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on student engagement and perceptions of the library along with its impact on academic performance. He holds graduate degrees in the social sciences and information science from UCLA, with a focus on user experience research and design.

book cover for Creating an Inclusive Library: Approaches for Increasing Engagement and Use with Students of Color
Creating an Inclusive Library: Approaches for Increasing Engagement and Use with Students of Color
product image for Creating an Inclusive Library: Approaches for Increasing Engagement and Use with Students of Color—eEditions PDF e-book
Creating an Inclusive Library: Approaches for Increasing Engagement and Use with Students of Color—eEditions PDF e-book