Melissa Becher
Melissa Becher is the Associate Director of Research, Teaching and Learning at American University Library. Her job responsibilities include management and supervision, as well as administering platforms that support research assistance such as LibGuides, the Library’s FAQ, and a 24/7 chat service. Over the years she has conducted user testing for the Library, other campus offices, the local consortium, and a professional association. Melissa’s research agenda focuses on how the academic library intersects with broader trends in higher education. She has published on instruction coordinators’ use of higher education accreditation documentation, the library’s visibility on college and university websites, and the experiences of full-time nontenured library faculty. She maintains a WordPress site on librarian status. Melissa is a member of ALA’s Reference & User Services Association and recently chaired the RUSA Emerging Technologies Section. She lives in Maryland with her husband, two daughters, and a cranky guinea pig.