Megan Lotts

photo of author Megan Lotts, a white woman who is smiling

Megan Lotts is the Art Librarian at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, where she regularly embraces creativity when teaching research workshops, building collections, and facilitating programming and events across the New Brunswick campuses. She has presented her research on makerspaces, play, and the work of library liaisons both nationally and internationally and has published articles in Art Documentation, portal: the Libraries in Academia, College and Research Libraries News and more. She earned an MFA (2004) and MLIS (2007) from University of Wisconsin-Madison; and a BFA in Painting (2000) and BFA in Art History (2002) from the University of Illinois- Champaign-Urbana. She currently lives in New Brunswick, NJ where she continues to explore, make, and engage in daily activities involving creativity and play.

book cover for Advancing a Culture of Creativity in Libraries: Programming and Engagement
Advancing a Culture of Creativity in Libraries: Programming and Engagement
book cover for The Playful Library: Building Environments for Learning and Creativity
The Playful Library: Building Environments for Learning and Creativity