Matthew Weirick Johnson

Matthew Weirick Johnson is the director of Research & Instruction at the University of South Florida (USF) Libraries on the Tampa campus. Prior to joining USF, Johnson was the librarian for English, History & Comparative Literature and lead for Teaching & Learning at UCLA Library. As lead for Teaching & Learning, Johnson led the development and delivery of UCLA Library’s inaugural library instruction training for library student research assistants. Johnson serves on the editorial boards of College & Research Libraries, Public Services Quarterly, and ACRL’s Choice, and has published in The Journal of Academic Librarianship, College & Research Libraries, Journal of Library Administration, Library Trends, Reference Services Review and others on various topics including academic librarian burnout, library instruction, and information literacy.

book cover for Training Library Instructors, Vol 1: A Guide to Training Graduate Students
Training Library Instructors, Vol. 1: A Guide to Training Graduate Students
book cover for Training Library Instructors, Vol. 2: A Guide to Training Librarians
Training Library Instructors, Vol. 2: A Guide to Training Librarians
product image for Training Library Instructors: A Guide to Training Graduate Students and Librarians (2-Volume Set)
Training Library Instructors: A Guide to Training Graduate Students and Librarians (2-Volume Set)
product image for Training Library Instructors, Vol. 1: A Guide to Training Graduate Students—eEditions PDF e-book
Training Library Instructors, Vol. 1: A Guide to Training Graduate Students—eEditions PDF e-book
product image for Training Library Instructors, Vol. 2: A Guide to Training Librarians—eEditions PDF e-book
Training Library Instructors, Vol. 2: A Guide to Training Librarians—eEditions PDF e-book
product image for Training Library Instructors: A Guide to Training Graduate Students and Librarians (2-Volume Set)—eEditions PDF e-book
Training Library Instructors: A Guide to Training Graduate Students and Librarians (2-Volume Set)—eEditions PDF e-book