Librarians and Instructional Designers: Collaboration and Innovation

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  • Description
  • Table of Contents
  • About the authors
  • Reviews

With online education options more ubiquitous and sophisticated than ever, the need for academic librarians to be conversant with digital resources and design thinking has become increasingly important.  The way forward is through collaboration with instructional designers, which allows librarians to gain a better understanding of digital resource construction, design, goals, and responsibilities.  In this book, the authors demonstrate that when librarians and instructional designers pool their knowledge of curriculum and technology, together they can impact changes that help to better serve faculty, students, and staff to address changes that are affecting higher education. Illustrated using plentiful examples of successful collaboration in higher education, this book   

  • introduces the history of collaborative endeavors between instructional designers and librarians, sharing ideas for institutions of every size;
  • reviews key emerging issues, including intellectual property, digital scholarship, data services, digital publishing, and scholarly communication;
  • addresses library instruction, particularly the new information literacy framework and threshold concepts, and how the movement towards online library instruction can be supported through collaboration with instructional designers;
  • describes the complementary roles of librarians and instructional designers in detail, followed by a case study in collaboration at Davidson College, an evolving digital project that mirrors changes in technology and collaboration over more than a decade;
  • shows how librarians and instructional designers can work together to encourage, inform, train, and support both faculty and students in the use of digital media, media databases, online media, public domain resources, and streaming media tools;
  • highlights creative opportunities inherent in the design and use of the Learning Management System (LMS); and
  • looks ahead to how emerging technologies are already leading to new jobs at the intersection of librarianship and technology, such as the instructional design librarian.

With a firm foundation on best practices drawn from a variety of institutions, this book maps out a partnership between academic librarians and instructional designers that will lead to improved outcomes.


Chapter 1    The Changing Environment of Higher Education
Joe Eshleman and Kristen Eshleman
Chapter 2    Comparisons and Collaborations between the Professions
Richard Moniz
Chapter 3    Best Practices and Opportunities for Collaboration
Richard Moniz
Chapter 4    Collaborating to Accomplish Big Goals
Joe Eshleman
Chapter 5    Where Librarians and Instructional Designers Meet
Joe Eshleman
Chapter 6    Innovation and Cooperative Ventures
Joe Eshleman and Kristen Eshleman
Chapter 7    Digital Media in the Modern University
Karen Mann
Chapter 8    Integrating the Library and LMS
Karen Mann
Chapter 9    What's Next for Librarians and Instructional Designers?
Joe Eshleman

About the Authors

Joe Eshleman

Joe Eshleman is senior librarian at Central Piedmont Community College in Charlotte, North Carolina. He was previously the instruction librarian at the Johnson & Wales University Library– Charlotte from 2008 to 2015 and was head librarian for two years at the JWU Providence library. He received his MLIS degree from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro in 2007. He has completed the Association of College & Research Libraries’ Immersion Program, an intensive program of training and education for instruction librarians. Eshleman is a coauthor of Fundamentals for the Academic Liaison (2014), The Mindful Librarian (2016), and The Dysfunctional Library: Challenges and Solutions to Workplace Relationships (2017). He is also a coauthor of Librarians and Instructional Designers: Innovation and Collaboration (2016) and a contributor to The Personal Librarian: Enhancing the Student Experience (2014). He has presented at numerous conferences on instructional librarianship and other topics.

Richard Moniz

Dr. Richard Moniz is the director of library services at the Horry-Georgetown Technical College, which has campuses in Conway, Georgetown, and Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. He previously served as the director of library services for Johnson & Wales University’s North Miami campus from 1997 to 2004 and was director of library services for Johnson & Wales University’s Charlotte campus from 2004 to 2018. He is also an adjunct instructor for the University of North Carolina at Greensboro’s LIS program. In addition to publishing numerous articles, Moniz is the sole author of the textbook Practical and Effective Management of Libraries (2010) and the coauthor or coeditor of six other books: Fundamentals for the Academic Liaison (2014), The Personal Librarian: Enhancing the Student Experience (2014), The Mindful Librarian (2016), Librarians and Instructional Designers: Innovation and Collaboration (2016), The Dysfunctional Library: Challenges and Solutions to Workplace Relationships (2017), and Recipes for Mindfulness in Your Library (2019).

Karen Mann

Karen Mann received her Master of Library and Information Science degree from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro in 2007, a Graduate Certificate in Teaching, Training, and Educational Technology from North Carolina State University in 2015, and a Bachelor of Science degree in Secondary Education from Concord University in Athens, West Virginia. She earned her National Board Certification in Library Media in 2009. She has provided Instructional Technology and Design services in the department of Academic Technology Services at Johnson & Wales University–Charlotte since 2011. Her background also includes experience as a high school media specialist, technologist, and science teacher. Mann has presented at multiple conferences on best practices in teaching with technology and has provided a variety of training workshops that focus on creating exemplary courses and engaging the learner with technology.

Kristen Eshleman

Kristen Eshleman is a graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, having received a Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology and in International Studies in 1992. She received her Master of Science in Social Anthropology from the London School of Economics in 1994. At Davidson, she serves as both practitioner for the humanities and Director of Instructional Technology, identifying current and emerging technologies and working with faculty in the humanities to determine whether they have pedagogical value in a small, residential liberal arts environment. She is also the lead instructional designer for DavidsonX, a cofounder of THATCamp Piedmont, and an active member of the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative community. The anthropologist in her is drawn to the intersections between technology and culture. Her interests include digital scholarship, blended learning, educational research, and designing effective processes for institutional innovation.

”As two sides of the same coin, librarians and instructional designers need to work together to achieve the best outcomes for their libraries. This book is directed at academic libraries, but can be applied to any setting."

”Providing a purposeful introduction and index, the authors also give evidence in nine solid chapters on how to cultivate relations with curriculum development in mind. Chapters have a clean design with satisfactory balance between white space and text using subtopic divisions, visual figures, and highlighted information boxes … An excellent resource for administrators, librarians and instructional designers at the collegiate and postcollegiate level. Highly recommended."

”Wide-ranging and thoroughly researched."
— Library Journal