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- Description
- About the author
This Journal Is Overdue—and you’re the author.
Start writing!
- Who is your fictional BFF?
- What three authors would you invite to your fictional dinner party and what would they bring?
- Write a love letter to a fictional flame.
Get your creative juices flowing with this collection of witty and thought-provoking writing prompts specifically for library lovers.
More than just a blank book, This Journal Is Overdue is an invitation to daydream, doodle, and play. Rewrite the ending of a novel on your shelves, recount memories of the first time you read a favorite book from your childhood, or jot down a sudden creative inspiration. Buy a copy for yourself, your boss, a favorite colleague, and friends who support the important work that libraries do each day!
Learn more about the Fostering Creative Community Connections intiative!
American Library Association (ALA)
The American Library Association (ALA) is the oldest and largest library association in the world. Founded on October 6, 1876 during the Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia, the mission of ALA is “to provide leadership for the development, promotion and improvement of library and information services and the profession of librarianship in order to enhance learning and ensure access to information for all.” Learn more at