Joshua Borycz

Joshua Borycz, MSIS, PhD, is a Librarian for STEM Research at the Vanderbilt University Libraries. He has a PhD in Chemistry from the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, an MSIS from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and a BS in Chemistry and Mathematics from Hope College. Josh works as a data management consultant, research methods and information literacy instructor, and a researcher in information and social science. His research interests include the attitudes of researchers in different fields towards data management, scientometrics, the impact of misinformation and disinformation on public opinion, and social media analysis. He has published more than 30 articles in competitive journals, such as Springer Nature Social Science, PLOS ONE, First Monday, Advances in Complex Systems, the Journal of eScience Librarianship, and Nature Humanities and Social Science Communications. This work has received recognition through the ACS Chemical Information Division Lucille Wert Scholarship, the CODATA Early Career Essay Award, and the ASEE Engineering Library Division Best Publication Award in 2022.

book cover for Essentials of STEM Librarianship
Essentials of STEM Librarianship