Interdisciplinarity and Academic Libraries: ACRL Publications in Librarianship No. 66--eEditions e-book

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  • Description
  • Table of Contents
  • About the authors

Interdisciplinarity in Academic Libraries addresses an emerging yet largely unexamined strategic priority for academic and research libraries: interdisciplinarity in the academy. As colleges and universities chart new areas for knowledge creation, teaching, learning, outreach and service, libraries face challenges in developing their response to these transformational changes in higher education. The global networked society, the convergence of multiple areas of study, and the need to address major challenges that transcend any particular discipline are framing issues for twenty-first century institutions of higher education. Library leaders must seize this exciting opportunity to place the library at the center of the emerging interdisciplinary academy by creating and delivering a transformative suite of programs, services and collections. Libraries can lift their institutions to a higher plane of interdisciplinary activity by levering their place in higher education to become the hub of interdisciplinary activity, where librarians foster innovative models of teaching, learning, research, conversation, reflection, and engagement. This book offers multiple perspectives on transforming academic library programs, collections, and services to meet transformational challenges for higher education. Experienced librarians bring an interdisciplinary perspective to collection development, information literacy, digital projects, knowledge organization, services for research centers, and other timely and relevant topics.

The Role of the Academic Library as an Interdisciplinary Knowledge Hub
Daniel C. Mack

1 The Structuring Work of Disciplines
Roberta J. Astroff

2 Disciplinary Morphologies, Interdisciplinarities: Conceptualizations and Implications for Academic Libraries
Jean-Pierre V.M. Herubel

3 Scholarly Practices in a Globally Linked, Technology-Enhanced Academy
Jill Woolums

4 Managing the Interdisciplinary Information Universe: Artisan Activities in a Machine Environment
Ann Copeland

5 Collection Development: Acquiring Content Across and Beyond Disciplines
Gretchen E. Reynolds, Cynthia Holt, and John C. Walsh

6 Area Studies Librarianship and Interdisciplinarity: Globalization, the Long Tail, and the Cloud
Dan Hazen

7 Digital Collections and Digital Scholarship in the Academic Library: An Interdisciplinary Opportunity
Mark Dahl

8 The Changing Role of the Subject Specialist Librarian
Evelyn Ehrlich and Angela Carreño

9 Teaching Research across Disciplines: Interdisciplinarity and Information Literacy
Maralyn Jones

10 Research Centers, Collaborative Data Initiatives, and Centers of Excellence: Extending and Applying Interdisciplinary Research and the Role of the Library
Johann van Reenen and Kevin J. Comerford

Shaping the Future through Interdisciplinary Integration
Craig Gibson

About the Authors


Daniel C. Mack

Daniel C. Mack is Tombros Librarian for Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies and Head, George and Sherry Middlemas Arts and Humanities Library, at The University Libraries, The Pennsylvania State University.

Craig Gibson

Craig Gibson is professor and Professional Development Coordinator at The Ohio State University Libraries. He has also been Associate Director for Research and Education at Ohio State, with responsibilities for reference and research services, assessment, outreach and engagement, the libraries’ instruction program, and departmental libraries. He has served as a student mentor in Ohio State’s nationally recognized Second-Year Transformational Experience Program and as a faculty mentor in OSU’s University Institute for Teaching and Learning. Previously, he was Associate University Librarian for Research, Instruction, and Outreach at George Mason University Libraries; Head of Library User Education at Washington State University; and Reference/Instruction Librarian at Lewis-Clark State College. His current research interests focus on open educational practices, threshold concepts for information literacy, and models for collaboration between academic libraries and teaching and learning centers. Since 2000, he has taught in the ACRL Immersion Program, the signature professional development program for instruction librarians in the United States, and has consulted widely on the changing role of the subject librarian in academic libraries. He was editor of the ACRL Publications in Librarianship series from 2008 to 2013 and was cochair of the ACRL Information Literacy Standards Revision Task Force, a group that developed the Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education in 2013–2015. He received the Miriam Dudley Instruction Librarian Award in 2008 and the ACRL President’s Special Recognition Award for Immersion Faculty in 2009.